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Slipping on my jacket, beanie, and gloves, I grab my purse and hurry down the staircase to my building's lobby. I push open the glass door and make the three-block trek in a patchy drizzle to the subway station.

I'm trudging down the stairs to catch the L train, contemplating what new surprises await me at my mother's apartment, when I hear loud voices echoing behind me. Peeking over my shoulder, I spot three teenage boys running in my direction. The most rambunctious of the trio bumps my hip, and I lose my balance. Shrieking, I frantically grab the handrail to keep myself from falling, and my MetroCard, which I'd just fished out of my pocket, goes flying. I can feel my heart rate rocketing as I slide down the steps backward—on my ass—while maintaining a death grip on the rail.

I'm trying to stand when a stranger frantically rushes down the stairs, takes my arm, and helps me to my feet.

"Cripes! Are you all right?" the man asks in a familiar accent.

I stare at him wide-eyed. "Oh God. You're British."

"I am." He looks at me uneasily. "Is that supposed to be a bad thing?"

"No, no. Sorry. It isn't." I pull on my ear, taken aback by the circumstances. "It's just…British men must be good at rescuing distressed ladies. Either that or I'm some weird magnet."

"Sorry, I'm not following." He picks up my MetroCard and hands it to me.

"Yeah, well, it's hard to follow when I'm speaking gibberish. Thanks for helping me up. As you can see, I'm not very graceful."

"You looked graceful to me, considering the young man sent you toppling. And you have a hell of a grip. You were refusing to let go of that rail."

"That's because I was envisioning a wrestling match with a slab of concrete and was smart enough to know I couldn't win."

"You definitely would have lost." The man glances at the stairs and shakes his head. He looks back at me and extends his arm. "I'm Graham Stewart."

I reciprocate and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Brittany Walker."

Graham stands back on his heels, appearing to be waiting for me to say something. He looks disappointed when I don't.

After an uncomfortable silence, Graham clears his throat. "Well, I suppose we should catch the train. Where are you heading?"

"I'm only going down two stops to Union Square. I have to switch trains."

"I'm getting off at Eighth Avenue. I'll join you if you don't mind."

"I don't mind. So, do you live here, or are you visiting?" I swipe my MetroCard and go through the turnstile, stopping on the other side to wait for Graham.

"I'm visiting and apparently need to learn the city's layout." Graham taps a credit card against the reader to pay his fare. "I was going from a friend's apartment to my hotel and decided to take the subway instead of a cab. It wasn't the best idea I've ever had since I managed to get lost. I was looking for the Third Avenue metro station and went too far in the wrong direction."

"At least you're only off by one station. It could be worse."

"I'm sure it could," Graham laughs.

We get on the train, which is less crowded than usual since it's a holiday. It stops at the next station, and a couple immersed in a full-blown argument gets on. They work their way to the far end of the car, their voices carrying through the partially empty compartment.

"This is turning out to be a colorful excursion," Graham says, eyeing the couple.

"It usually is. Although, it's okay as long as you mind your own business. This is my stop coming up. Good luck navigating the city."

"No more navigating for me. I won't be taking the subway after this."

"Ah, come on. You'll be missing out on the excitement."

Graham laughs, his cheeks dimpling. "I'd rather get my excitement in some other fashion."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. At least you won't get lost again." I grin and step from the train. "Happy Thanksgiving," I call out as the doors close.

Graham waves goodbye through the window as the train pulls away, and I marvel at how good-looking he is. Then I reflect on my run of bad luck with men and figure he's probably a jerk.

I switch trains and head uptown to Lenox Hill. Getting off three stops later, I walk the remaining two blocks to my mother's luxury apartment.
