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Happy? I thought that's what I was until several days ago. Now I'm painfully miserable, with my stomach in knots and my feelings still raw, all of it exacerbated by my constant dwelling on the fact Dane hasn't called me, texted me, or anything else. Even a message by carrier pigeon would be preferential to hearing nothing. I could call him as Romeo suggested. But I don't want to do that.I can't do that. I have too much pride to go chasing after him.

But it's more than pride keeping me from making that call. It's also fear.

Fear that Dane won't want anything to do with me and fear that I'll make an ass of myself.

"Laurel, you'll need to add a place setting to the table," Mom says, walking into the kitchen.

I look at Mom and almost drop the martini glass in my hand. Although she's elegantly and meticulously dressed in a teal silk jumpsuit with her blond hair in a layered bob, her lips look hideous. I try not to recoil, but it's difficult since she looks like giant, inflated balloon lips with a slender body attached.

"Who did you invite to dinner?" Laurel asks, sounding nervous.

"I invited Troy."

"Oh, hell no!" This time, I drop the glass, which shatters on the floor, the rest of my martini now a puddle.

"Watch your language!" Mom scolds.

"Why would you do that to me?" I stare at her, incredulous that she would make such a move.

"Because he has no family here and would otherwise be alone. You should thank me for inviting him. It'll give you two a chance to get back together."

"I don't want to get back together," I growl, now edgy and irritated. "That asshole cheated on me."

"Don't be so dramatic. It was a minor indiscretion." Mom waves her hand and shakes her head at me as if I'm being foolish. "Couples cheat all the time. I'm sure he's sorry, and it didn't mean anything."

"Excuse me? Maybe you cheat, but I don't. Nor will I put up with it."

"Don't be rude." Mom looks over at Laurel. "Would you talk some sense into your sister? Troy has money and is extremely handsome. She's being ridiculous to throw that away."

"Sorry, Mom. But I agree with Britt this time. Troy doesn't deserve her, and she can find someone much better than him."

"I heard shouting. What's going on in here?" Herb asks while scanning our faces. He sets Laurel's appletini on the counter, his gaze going to the broken glass on the tile.

"Mom invited Troy to dinner. I can't believe she did that to me." I glare at her, and she ignores me.

Herb's head snaps toward my mother, his lips tightening. "Cassandra, I told you not to invite him and to stay out of Britt's business."

"I had to get involved. Troy's a good catch, and she's throwing him away," Mom says defiantly.

"A good catch? He's an arrogant asshole, and he cheated on me. I'm not throwing him away. I'm punting him as far as my foot will kick him." My hands ball at my sides. I'm so livid. I want to scream. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself while remembering why I get so angry at her.

Herb narrows his eyes when he looks at me. "Troy cheated on you?"


He glares at my mother, his voice low. "You didn't tell me that part. Stop interfering and let Britt decide what's best for herself."

"Pfft! You're all making a mistake." Mom tosses her head and marches from the kitchen.

Herb holds out his arm, enfolding me in a hug when I go to him.

"I'm sorry she did that, sweetheart. But at this point, I can't retract the invitation. I'll see what I can do to keep him away from you. Now, you girls put dinner on the table while I clean up this floor."

I nod at Herb, and Laurel and I leave the kitchen, our arms stacked with serving platters and bowls.

The doorbell buzzes as Laurel places the last dish on the extra-large mahogany table in the formal dining room. We look at each other and freeze, listening to Herb's shoes make a soft thud on the tile as he approaches the door. I curse under my breath when I hear Troy's voice.

"It'll be okay, sis. You'll get through this. Take the end seat by Herb, and I'll tell everyone to come and eat. I'll rush back in here and take the chair next to you. That'll force Troy to sit next to Mom on the other side of the table."
