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"We'll see you this evening. And don't be late." Katherine looks amused when she walks away, disappearing around the corner with Natalia.

Dane retakes the chair in front of Romeo's desk. "Where do I go, and what time do I need to be there?"

Dane arrives at the gala, which the organizers booked at a popular venue on Wall Street. Tipping his driver, he steps from the car and shows the ticket Romeo gave him to the doorman. Glancing over his shoulder at the guests coming up the red-carpeted stairs behind him, he's thankful he thought to pack a suit.

The excitement and nervousness that had eaten at him all afternoon had reached a new height. Wound too tight, his body feels ready to snap, and the only way to fix it is to find Brittany and get his surprise appearance over with. He'll instantly know whether his trip is a success, with Brittany happy to see him, or a failure, sending him home with a shattered heart.

After checking his coat, Dane steps into the hall and scans the columned room with its grand dome. Tables fill the rectangular space with a stage facing him from the far wall, backed by a large screen displaying the event's name. Two smaller screens are on each side, showing a list of the event's sponsors. The room is blanketed in soft orange lighting, making it dim but not overly so. Looking above the stage, Dane sees an open gallery with a view of the room, which already looks crowded.

"Sir, can I help you find your table?"

Dane turns to see one of the event's attendants standing beside him. "Yes, thank you." Dane shows the man his ticket.

"This way, please." The man leads Dane to a table near the center of the room.

After thanking the man, Dane turns to the people sitting at his assigned table.

"I see you made it," Katherine says. "Let me introduce some of our staff. On my left is our photo editor, Richard Stein. Going clockwise around the table, we have our design editor, Trina Ingram, our social media manager, Chloe Hamilton, and our production manager, Grant Jackson. This is Dane Evans. He's a close friend of Brittany's and is helping us with a storyline."

"Nice to meet you," Dane says in response to their greetings. He directs his attention back to Katherine. "Is Brittany here yet?"

"She is. I saw her and Romeo mingling up in the gallery. That gentleman Romeo mentioned earlier has already stopped by and asked about her. So you might want to get a drink and see if you can find her. They've set up a bar at the far end of the room."

"I appreciate the heads-up." He gives a cursory nod to the group and steps away.

Dane crosses the room to the bar. He should be looking for Brittany right now, but the churning in his gut has returned, and he's hoping a drink will help calm his jumbled nerves.

He's standing in line to order a drink when a woman slides up beside him. Dane can tell she's checking him out and gets the distinct impression she's intentionally making it obvious. Not even remotely interested in the woman, Dane ignores her.

The woman clears her throat. "Is this your first time at the event?" Wearing a low-cut dress, she brazenly leans toward him. She crosses her arms under her breasts, pushing the fleshy mounds upward, causing her bodice to pucker outward to display her nipples.

"It is."

"I could tell. You're looking around like you're trying to figure out the venue's layout. Either that, or you're here alone and looking for some company this evening." The woman seductively trails her fingers from her throat down her chest until they rest in her ample cleavage. She skims her tongue along her lips while maintaining eye contact with Dane.

He scrutinizes the woman. Tall and shapely with long, silky red hair, she's gorgeous and has a sexual boldness. Dane smiles. He knows her type all too well. The woman is a game player, seducer, and a bundle of trouble, all rolled up into a sultry package.

"Wow, you're good. You pegged me. I am looking for someone." Dane takes a step away from her.

"I knew it." She smiles, her eyes blatantly raking Dane's body. "And I must say I like that accent of yours. Pardon me for being so bold, but it's rather sexy." She lifts her hand to push a strand of hair from her face. "I'm Lacey, by the way."

"Nice to meet you. Now, you'll have to excuse me. The gentleman at the bar is asking what I want to drink, and I need to find my girlfriend."

"Oh," Lacey says. She looks disappointed and somewhat stunned by Dane's refusal to play her game.

Dane turns away, amused by the exaggerated pout of her glossy red lips. She's the same as the rest of her breed, out to seduce and cause heartache for personal gain.

With a glass of white wine in his hand, Dane heads toward the stairs to search for Brittany. Reaching the upper area, he stands by the railing and scans the room. He spots her standing under one of the lights at the back of the gallery. An older couple is talking to her.

Dane's chest tightens, his breath catching in his throat. All he can do is stare. Brittany is stunning in a black cocktail dress andheeled strappy sandals, with her hair swept up into a stylish bun. Brittany laughs at something the gentleman says, making Dane's heart thump and his stomach flutter. He steps toward her.

Then he stops.

The couple is leaving, and a dark-haired man in a gray suit is rushing toward her. Brittany's eyes dart around the gallery. She looks cornered.

Dane growls under his breath and sets his wineglass on a nearby table.

That must be Troy.

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