Page 100 of The Romance Fiasco

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Magnus pauses as if waiting to watch the sun officially rise. Turning to me, he says, “You make me weak in the knees. For once, I don’t mind.”

Hands linked, I kiss his dimple.

Magnus says, “I need to live life looking through the windshield, not the rearview mirror. I want that life to be with you.”

“Good plan.”

He drops to one knee and tucks his hand in his pocket, before removing something sparkly.

My heart tumbles.

The diamond is greenish and the flecks of diamonds surrounding it are bright. It’s beautiful.

“I need one more mission. I want it to be us. Our marriage and future. Lally McGuinness, I love you. Will you trade out a few of those letters and become my wife, Mrs. McGregor?”

I draw Magnus to his feet, smiling as I kiss him and whisper, “Yes, yes, yes,” the volume growing with each one.

The sun winks at us and I repeat, “Yes.”

Then we seal our promise with a kiss.



Royal and Isla’s wedding is like a fairytale, a bright, bubbly, and beachy dream come true. It’s the exact opposite of Ross and Romy’s wedding, except for one thing, Magnus and I are here... together.

He looks dashing in his three-piece suit, complete with a vest. Who knew vests were so hot on a guy? He’d been testing out a beard like so many guys do when they leave service but is clean-shaven for the wedding reception.

It’s twilight when we leave the church, and I linger where the shallow water hugs the coastline with the dogs zooming around. Done with photos and big-brother best-man duties, he whips off his aviator glasses when he spots me.

Locked onto his target, he marches my way.

The corner of my lip lifts into a smile.

His matches and it’s mine. All mine.

I’ve kissed his dimple so many times, it’s going to make a tattoo. But I’m just filled with so much romanticipation—I’m excited for the bride and groom, Boo’s Battle Bros and the success we’re having, and my future with this man by my side.

We let the dogs run so they don’t get bored while we’re at the reception. Boo’s Battle Bros already has its first retreat booked. Miati and Rebel have vet matches. Business isn’t booming. More like growing at a manageable pace. But the number of guys who’ve visited Magnus is impressive. It’s like a reunion every weekend. He found his new element, and it’s here, with me, with the dogs. Hopefully, a family before long.

After feeding the dogs we head over to the Driftwood just as everyone gathers in the dining room.

“It hadn’t occurred to me that other people could have their weddings here too. It’s perfect,” I whisper. But is it perfect for us?

“I won’t tell you how many weddings my brothers and I crashed when we were kids and this place was in its heyday.”

I raise my eyebrows with alarm.

“Okay, it was only three, but we were hooligans, nabbing cake and causing a stir.”

“I thought you didn’t like cake.”

He nods slowly. “Ate too much one night.”

I wrinkle my nose.

After the McGregor brothers give a joint toast, we eat and then dance before the couple cuts the cake...Magnus indulges for this special occasion.
