Page 37 of The Romance Fiasco

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If it weren’t for the sunny morning, it would be like we’re having a beachside standoff. The sand an old western street, and the dogs our best men.

I recall Magnus saying that he’d be my huckleberry. So, why does it seem like right now we’re enemies?

Rosalie picks up Roo. “I take it this is my cue to vamoose. You can be sure this little episode of the O.K. Corral will hit the Coconut Wireless later.” She mutters that last part.

A rain cloud moves in from the west at a rapid clip and I feel a shadow crest over me.

The longer Magnus stands there, the more my heart tumbles. It’s like we’re both waiting for the other to make a move.

Time slows.

I blink slowly, taking him in.

Same handsome face? Check. But once more in need of a shave. Or not, the day-old scruff suits him.

He rubs his hand across his cheek.

Same hidden dimple? Check.

He tears off his aviator sunglasses.

Same strong hands. Check.

They clench and unclench.

Same powerful posture. Check.

He lifts his arm and then rubs the back of his neck.

Never expecting to see Magnus again, my surprise freezes me. Of all the places, he rolled up on my island in his truck, wind-tossed, sun-kissed, and scowling because I have his dog.

“I didn’t steal your dog.”

“Sean’s dog.”

“Yours now?” Feet locked by the shifting sand and water, still, I don’t move, but the dogs do, bounding for my bungalow and Boo chases after them.

The sky cracks open with a downpour of rain.

Immediately drenched, I race for cover with Magnus at my heels.



This isn’t the first time Lally and I have stood together dripping wet. But right now, the thunder in the distance matches the pounding in my chest.

Boo and one of Lally’s dogs isn’t bothered, but the little brindle dog with a small patch of pink in her fur gazes up at her dog mom with the puppiest of puppy dog eyes.

“Oh, don’t worry about the rain, Madame. You’ve had worse.” Lally turns to me and says, “She got into some pink paint over at the resort a short while back. I, um, didn’t realize you were a McGregor.”

“Then I take it you haven’t lived on Coco Key long.”

“Long enough to know that you don’t live here.” Sadness hides behind a true strength in her eyes.

Unsure where I’m going to put down roots, I gaze into the pouring rain. “Typical Florida afternoon carwash.”

“And here we are, drenched again.”
