Page 41 of The Romance Fiasco

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“Yeah, I know.” The words slip out.

“You know she has the key or you know that she’s the sweetest?” Isla asks.

The corner of Royal’s lip lifts as if he knows something I don’t. “You met her?”

“Something like that.”

Just then, an SUV roars toward us. Ryan skids to a stop and hops out all smiles. “Bros! What are we doing now, having board meetings in the middle of the street?”

“It’s not like there’s much traffic,” Royal mutters. However, his gaze doesn’t leave me, as if it snagged on my familiarity with the neighbor.

Isla says, “Not much traffic, yet.”

“What’s going on?” Ryan says, picking up on his twin’s vibe.

“Looking for—” I start.

“Mag met someone.”

“Her name is Lally,” Isla supplies.

“Yeah, I met my neighbor. So what?”

Royal and Isla exchange a knowing look that Ryan glimpses as well.

“My, my, my. The mighty does have a heart in his chest,” Ryan teases. “Good luck, bro. I have a feeling you’ll need it.”

“There’s a story here,” Royal adds, ever perceptive.

One I’m not going to tell. “Just need the key.”

“Lally lives in the beach bungalow next to the cottages by Quiet Cannon Beach, but I’m guessing you already knew that,” Isla says with a smirk.

Fighting a smile, and trying to cast them a glare for getting in my business, I move to return the way I came, fighting with myself the entire way. As my siblings leave, I have second thoughts. I’ll get the key from Lally at a different time. I need to get my head (and heart?) together, so I head back to my truck. I’ll save this visit for tomorrow.

* * *

The next day, I stand in front of the cottages, fully appreciating (resenting?) their dilapidated state. I could get the key from Lally. I could break the doors down instead. No need to make the situation worse. Call a locksmith. Have the lawyer obtain the key. Search Chip’s old place, surely, he had a set of spares for all his properties.

Instead, I head next door and walk past the gray SUV in the bungalow’s driveway. From inside, the dogs bark. Boo looks at me excitedly.

“Yes, we’re back here.”

I have to admit, I’m feeling less like a wolf and more than a little sheepish coming back so soon. Or are there pigs in that children’s story? I could ask Nora. Or Lally. I bet she’d know.

Boo stands at the ready by my side, but by the way he leans forward, he’s desperate to visit with the other dogs.

Lally answers without me having to knock. Her hair is dry and a little frizzy, but she changed out of her wet clothes and into a cotton sundress with slim straps. It skims her ankles, hiding her long legs. I’ve never before paid much attention to what women wear.

“Back so soon?” she asks when I simply stare at her, not saying anything.

The wedding with her in that mint gown comes to mind, our arms linked as we marched down the aisle, her so close, teasing my senses with her coconut scent.

“I promised Boo a biscuit.”

The dog looks up at both of us as if to confirm that’s true, but that’s not all.

“I certainly have biscuits, but recommend only one or two a day along with a balanced diet of fresh dog food. I make it for Madame and General myself. I could give you the recipe.”
