Page 64 of The Romance Fiasco

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No need for coffee from Beans & Books. I’m wide awake now and very, very wet. The dogs bark happily as if they want to jump in the water and splash too.

“Lola,” Robyn calls with more affection in her tone than reprimand. Below the dock, the massive manatee rolls onto her side and lifts her stubby fin.

It’s hard for me to be upset because she’s too adorable for her own good. When she surfaces, snorting some water, I’m certain she smiles with knowing.

“Yeah, you got us good, girl,” I mutter, then crouch down so I’m closer to what sailors long ago may have mistaken for a mermaid. Human beings are a miracle, but it’s hard not to marvel at sea creatures.

Our eyes meet for a beat before I glance up at Magnus, towering over us. Instead of the annoyance I expect, his mouth is full of hidden amusement.

I guess it’s hard not to feel that way in a town with a manatee mascot who somehow makes love matches and where pink plastic flamingos take over when love is in the air. The Coconut Wireless lit up this morning, speculating about Coco Key’s latest couple.

That would be Magnus and me.

“I guess I need to get some dry clothes.” It took me three outfit changes before I settled on this white T-shirt and a green pair of shorts, which is not like me at all. I’m as low maintenance as they come, but for some reason, today, I couldn’t settle on what to wear. My mind, body, and heart hummed with romanticipation, thinking about the kiss last night.

I had my first kiss when I was when I was eighteen. It was also my first semester officially in nursing school and not in the dual enrollment program between my high school and the community college. His name was Gill. It was like being attacked by a squid. Then along came Ethan. He was a great kisser. But all of those werebeforekisses. Last night was anafterkiss. It was the big one. It was a meteor about to strike; brace for impact, the world burning up, earth-shattering kiss. If kissing Magnus were my last moment, my final experience before we turned to space dust, I’d consider it a life well lived...and loved.

Because there was more to that kiss than the mere meeting of lips. At least it felt that way.

I was wondering if I’d see Magnus today. I didn’t have to wait long at all. Wearing what I’ve come to think of as his uniform of a nicely fitted tee and dark denim, he gives me a little nod and the lines around his eyes lift in a way that suggests he likes what he sees.

But by the way that Isla and Robyn are looking from him to me and back again, it’s like they’re waiting for something. For us to stop smiling at each other like we got away with a crime and are keeping it a secret? Nope, somehow the whole town knows, and the Pratt sisters have a front-row seat to the show. I blame the Nosy Rosies. They know everything.

Just then, Ryan sidles up, lifting and lowering his sunglasses and whistling low. “I came here for the eye candy, but see the love birds returned. Who is it this time?” He looks at Robyn, Isla, and me, then lands on his brother. “Tough call, but I’m going with the brunette.” He points at me.

Robyn and Isla, sisters, wear matching smiles.

A blush races across my cheeks.

The dogs gambol around our legs, causing a stir. Ryan pets General; Isla and Robyn fuss over Madame while Magnus and I go for Boo at the same time.

Ryan mutters, “He’s a puppy dog, and she’s a biscuit.”

“Ryan,” Magnus says sternly.

He clicks his tongue and then claps Magnus on the back. “Big brother, didn’t know you had it in you.”

Magnus casts his brother a glare of warning and then clears his throat. “I was going to grab a coffee and head over to the Treasure Chest to get some supplies for fixing up the cottages.”

“And that’s my cue to vamoose,” Ryan says.

“I never said I wanted your help.”

“And just when I thought you were finally ditching the whole loner bit.”

Robyn and Isla watch the exchange with rapt attention.

“Ryan, what makes you an authority on relationships?” Magnus asks.

“I’ve been around.”

“Some of us take a different approach than playing the field.”

“What can I say? Football is my middle name.”

“It is not. It’s Phifer.”

“Okay, Magnus Charles, Mr. Straight-Laced and too serious for his own good.”

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