Page 79 of The Romance Fiasco

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“Here goes. When I found out about Ross cheating on me with Romy, my so-called best friend, he was in a business meeting, but I had an urgency to discuss things. Blinded by rage… or something, I tried to get ahold of him via cell.”

“That’s not wholly unreasonable.”

“When he didn’t answer, I repeatedly called the office secretary, requesting to speak with him. Ross wouldn’t excuse himself from the meeting and eventually, she let my calls go to voicemail.”

“Also, not unreasonable.”

“Hey, whose side are you on?” I tease, bumping him with my hip.

Magnus kisses my temple. “Definitely yours.”

Warmth and assurance push against my shame. “Anyway, when that didn’t work, I went down to the building, but security must’ve been alerted because they denied me entrance. I don’t blame them. I was being kind of psycho. Didn’t let that didn’t stop me.”

My shoulders crater and Magnus rubs them with an understanding tug to his lips. “Come on, let it all out.”

Taking a deep breath, I say, “The window washers were on site that day. During their lunch break, I helped myself to their equipment. Instead of glass cleaner, I had a can of red spray paint in hand. When I got to Ross’s floor, I spray paintedRoss is a cheateron the window. Someone filmed it from inside. And embarrassingly, even though I had the presence of mind to reverse some of the letters, it looked jumbled. More like a child learning to write than an angry ex bent on revenge.”

Magnus chuckles.

“Needless to say, I learned my lesson. Thanks, internet.”

“Wouldn’t expect that from you, but we all do things...” Magnus takes my phone and watches the video again. “That’s really you? Because of the sun’s glare, I can’t make out your face.”

“Luckily, not many people did. But still. It’s shameful. I went too far.”

“Yet Ross and Romy still welcomed you to their wedding.”

“Only so I remain in a permanent state of mortification. They’re shallow like that.” I slap my hand over my mouth. “I didn’t mean that.”

“You’re not wrong.”

Phone set aside, Magnus says, “I’m on Team Lally all the way. Remember, I’m your huckleberry.”

Our lips are a breath away, but before they lock, someone nearby clears their throat.

Magnus finishes up with the electrician while I smooth my hair.

When the guy leaves, I say, “But Romy and Ross are coming here? I just realized the dates she gave are the same as the Manatee Jubilee, which coincides with the official opening of Boo’s Battle Bros.”

“Maybe Ross will appreciate the tribute to his brother. I was going to let the Haskins family know. As for you and me, we’ll just be ourselves. No holding back. Though, I suppose we should practice a tactical kiss.”

I laugh.

In one swift motion, Magnus dips me back, our gazes meet, and then he plants a long, intense kiss on my lips. It’s passionate, like in the movies or that famous photo snapped in New York City’s Times Square when the sailor kissed the nurse the day World War Two ended.

When we part, we both have to catch our breath. “If that was a tactical kiss, I want to know what a spontaneous one is like.”

Magnus’s dimple pops and he laughs, but it just as quickly dies as something offshore catches his eye.

I turn, afraid something happened to one of the dogs, but it’s just that ship, floating closer.

Magnus’s demeanor changes. “Speaking of tactical, you mentioned you play poker with Ray Higbee, Slidell Williams, Amelia Cross, and Melly Lipman, also known as the Pirate Defense League.”

It’s my turn to laugh. Only, Magnus’s stony eyes, fixed on that boat, suggest he isn’t joking.

“I need you to gather intel. Find out what that means, whose side they’re on, whether they’re protecting the treasure or the pirates.”

“You’re kidding, right?”
