Page 82 of The Romance Fiasco

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“So, you showed up to poker in character. You’re lucky they didn’t make you walk the plank.”

“They’re not pirates. Not anymore.”

My eyebrows lift. “This ought to be good.”

I lead us toward the cottages, unsure if I can ask this woman to marry me with a straight face, dressed as she is.

Lally is at my side one moment, telling me about her idea for the get-up, and then she yelps and hits the ground. “I fell in a hole.”

It’s a small one that the dogs dug. “Are you okay?”

“I may have turned my ankle.”

Crouching, I inspect the damage. “It’s not yet swollen, a good sign. The boot probably afforded some protection.”

“Argh. It hurts, me hearty.”

“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”

The internal red flag that I thought I’d thrown in the dumpster with the rest of the demolition materials from the cottage inches its way up the flagpole. It waves, telling me to abort the marriage mission.

“I meant to fill the hole. The landscapers will be here tomorrow. I’ll add it to the list.” I glance down and extend my hand to help her up.

She limps by my side and we make slow progress, but I can’t tell if we’re heading toward her beach bungalow or the cottages.

When I extend my arm for her to take for support over the uneven terrain, she shrugs me off. “I’m fine. The Manatee Jubilee is tomorrow. I can handle this.”

“But you’re limping. Let me help you.”

“I got it. Grass doesn’t grow under my feet, Magnus.”

I give a hopeless roll of my eyes. She’s so stubborn, having to do everything herself. It pains me knowing she’s pretending her ankle is okay, meanwhile, she won’t let me relieve some of the pressure. Even if she was lying on the ground, she wouldn’t ask for help.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be ready for tomorrow no matter what.”

“How about we head back to my place? I’ll make you some mac and cheese.” She told me she loves the stuff when she doesn’t feel good.

“The cupboards at the cottage are bare.”

“I stocked them.”

“I’m not in the mood for monkey cheese.”

“Huh? Mac n cheese. Wait. Did you hit your head too? Tip back some rum with the old folks? Are you messing with me?”

“No to all of the above.”

“How do you like your mac and cheese? The powder or squeeze cheese?”

“I’ll take a rain check on the monkey cheese.”

Moments ago, she seemed fine. This suddenly turned odd. I’ve never seen her act like this. Is she nervous? Does she know that I was going to propose? There are the Nosy Rosies in this town and the Coconut Wireless, but no way would one of my brothers out me and they’re the only ones who know about the engagement ring in my pocket.

I stop and Boo does the same. Planting both hands on Lally’s shoulders, I ask, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just a slightly swollen ankle.”

“It wasn’t swollen.”

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