Page 87 of The Romance Fiasco

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I tell her about Ethan and how I was very nearly a widow. We fall easily into conversation and what I imagine would become a fast friendship if she lived nearby.

However, not realizing the personal nature and intensity of our discussion, Rosalie bops over, all smiles and congratulating me on the grand opening.

Nora calls for Alex and we say our goodbyes.

“Anytime Alex wants dog time,” I drop my voice to a whisper, “and cake, you know where to find us.”

Rosalie wants me to head back to the event. “You’re going to miss the Rosies singing karaoke in mermaid costumes.”

I laugh. “That I have to see.”

“Plus, after dark is when the good food comes out.”

“And what has this been all day?” I ask.

“A warm-up. Trust me. Plus, there’s the crowning of Miss Manatee. I wore it a few years ago.” She winks.

“It all sounds like so much fun, and I’ll be there, but I should check on Magnus.”

Her eyebrows waggle. “How are things between you two?”

I know better, given the questionable sources of the Coconut Wireless material, but I say, “Oh, you know, a regular romance fiasco.”

Rosalie lets loose a belly laugh. “I know all about those. Tell him you’ll bring him back a slice of Rosalinda’s coconut cream key lime pie. She and Rosemarie have competed for twelve years, but now you know which one I think is best. Trust me, one bite and all is right in the world.”

“I’ll bring him back one of each and let him decide.” I smile, but it’s wooden. It’s not that I don’t want to experience my first-ever Manatee Jubilee in full, but something is bothering me.

Magnus’s profession of love should have me lit up. His rambling about the ring should have me glowing. Instead, he’s rumbly. Grumbly. Seemed less than thrilled that I was at the ribbon cutting.

I go inside the cottage and he doesn’t acknowledge me. Instead, he shakily sips bone broth. I go to check his vitals and he waves me off. Says he’s fine.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Do you want me to look at the bite site?” It’s on his back and I’ve been watching to make sure it doesn’t worsen. So far, the red puffiness has slowly tapered off.

“No, I’m fine.”

“Rosalie told me about the coconut cream key lime pie at the festival. Want a slice or do you have any special requests?”

“No, I’m fine.”

And that’s it. He’s fine. Doesn’t need me.

Message received.

Without a word, I take the dogs, Boo too—because he’s been cooped up, not wanting to leave Magnus’s side—and walk into town.

The sun set while I was in the cottage, but cheerful, colorful lights beckon me to the activity. Live music echoes across the water. Even the cement manatee in the fountain is cheerful with beads tossed around her wide neck.

I have to admit that I love it here. Ethan sure picked the perfect spot for our honeymoon that we weren’t able to take. Without meaning to, he led me to love again. I didn’t think it was possible. After saying a quiet prayer of gratitude, I bring my concerns about things with Magnus to God.

By the time I reach the heart of the Jubilee, I feel better, realizing the obvious. Magnus doesn’t feel good. I’ve dealt with all kinds of patients in my days as a nurse. Some are cheerful, grateful, and quiet, matching their regular, healthy day demeanors. Others are the most ornery and difficult jerks who are as sweet as pie when I see them after recovery. You just never know.

After stopping at the pet pampering station for water and biscuits, the dogs and I watch a band play Jimmy Buffett hits. I buy a Mana-Tee—each year there’s a call for design submissions for T-shirts. This year Lola, the sea cow, features prominently in the middle with a pink bow on her head, heart-shaped sunglasses, and splashing the water with her fin. Apparently, she’s been very splashy lately. Or maybe Mrs. Cross said,Sassy. It’s hard to hear over the cheering at the nearby lively game of pin the fin on the manatee.

This reminds me that I still haven’t told Magnus about what I learned while playing poker—the Pirate Defense League was not impressed by my costume, which told me that they’re not fans of pirates.
