Page 93 of The Romance Fiasco

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Could be pirates.

“There he is,” a male voice says.

My muscles coil and I assume a stance that’ll allow me to fight or flee, depending on the assessment of my adversaries.

The men approach.

A growl comes from my throat.

“Magnus, what are doing?” It’s Ryan.

“Who’s the skulker now?” CJ says.

“We went up to Miami with Ryan for the day,” Royal adds as if that explains the late hour and why they didn’t answer my texts earlier.

“Football stuff. The season is officially over.” Ryan’s hoots fill up the night.

So consumed by Lally and the business, I hardly registered that his team, the Miami Riptide, won the Superbowl.

“What’d you find out?” CJ asks.

I lead them and the dogs to the pavilion behind the cottages and reveal the open puzzle box. “This was inside.” I show them the diamond and share the story of what Lally learned from the Pirate Defense League.

“Old Chip and his rum.” Royal clicks his tongue.

Then I tell them about seeing the Dark Seas when Lally and I were kayaking.

“Romantic,” Ryan singsongs.

I glare then a horrible thought seizes me. “Would she—?” Without explanation, I race next door.

From behind, I hear Ryan say, “Sheesh. So testy.”

Then Royal asks, “Has he asked her yet?”

“Cold feet?” CJ asks.

They follow me at a distance, but Lally isn’t answering. She gave me a spare key, and Madame and General’s barking doesn’t bring a sleepy-eyed Lally out of her room. I check and she’s not in bed.

My breath coming in short bursts, I say, “She isn’t here.”

The other McGregors stare at me blankly.

Yeah, fine. I might have gotten spooked about the whole marriage thing. But I am suddenly cold. A shiver works through me. “She’s paddling out to the ship. She’s going to play cards and hope to win. She’s—”

“Whoa. Back up, bro. What are you talking about?” Ryan asks.

“There’s no time to explain. I have to rescue her.”

CJ fills the doorway. With surprising authority, he says, “McGregor, you’re forgetting your training.”

“Lally is kayaking out to the ship. I have to—”

“She needs rescuing. Protection. But you’re not going until you get your head together and you’re certainly not heading out there alone. We need the intel. Tell us the plan.”

I brace myself on the table. I have not been myself since that bite. Since... never mind. There’s no time to think about that. Every second that passes, the more danger Lally is in.

“When was the last time you had eyes on her?” CJ asks.
