Page 112 of The Romance Game

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The passenger side window of the black sedan lowers slowly, revealing Gerome Glandman. He’s as balding, portly, and pasty as ever. I dislike him only because he didn’t have a sense of humor the time Ryan, Royal, and I spray painted the sandcastles he had constructed to wow his guests. The thing was, he wasn’t letting anyone on the beach in case they got ruined.

We didn’t damage them in any way. I thought of it as a color enhancement, of the neon variety.

“You’re that Owens girl, won the Miss Manatee crown one year, right?” he asks.

My hackles lift. “Mrs. McGregor now.”

“I suggest you be careful of the company you keep. I’d hate to see anything happen.”

Hand on my hip, I say, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He wears a mild smile. “Just a word of caution about what you get involved in, little missy.”

With a scowl, I battle with my inner brat about what to say next. “Thank you for your concern. As you can see, the Sip & Scoop is having its grand reopening today. We’re offering free ice cream from eleven until five. You’re welcome to stop by. Unless you’re intimidated by the competition.”

Okay, I don’t say that last part, but I really, desperately want to.

With my best Miss Manatee smile, I spin on my heels and stride back to the Sip & Scoop.

Before I can tell Ryan what happened, I’m pulled in three different directions with last-minute questions from our new employees.

Finally, after six hours of scooping ice cream, pouring fountain soda, and welcoming new customers, I get a breather.

My first stop is visiting with Luke who just arrived with my sisters and their brood...for the second time. The first trip was for their promised ice cream. This one is just to make sure we survived. Brando is with them too. Ryan says hello and then takes Luke down to the dock and they look for Lola—their favoriteactivity. Well, one of dozens. Our little boy goes bananas when Lola breaches and snorts water everywhere. Funny though, she’s never splashed Luke.

“I thought Ryan was allergic to children,” Brando says, dropping beside me on Mr. Cross’s bench by the dock.

He calls over his shoulder, “I took an antihistamine.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works,” I say.

Ryan adds, “I thought you were the one with an aversion to kids and didn’t want any.”

“Of course I’m not allergic to kids,” Brando says.

“You have that look,” Ryan says, putting Luke in Brando’s arms.

“What look?” I ask.

“The one Emmie would get when she’d see a puppy. Kind of glazed over.”

“He’d have to be in love first,” I say with a laugh.

“What’s funny?” Heather asks, appearing with a collection of our family members.

“Our cousin. I think he likes kids.”

“He’d better. He’s on babysitting duty Friday nights,” Harper says.

“We have a huge party coming into the restaurant.”

“How’s your sister?” I ask Ryan.

Strangely, Emmie has been left out of the entire treasure hunt adventure. I’m not sure if it’s by choice or by design.

“She’s sorry that she couldn’t make it to the wedding on such short notice, but she’s under a tight deadline. On top of one project, she was given six months to co-write a book with some guy out west. The clock is ticking down, and she only has until the end of the year to get the final draft done, so we haven’t heard much from her.”

“Did she ever get a puppy?” I ask.
