Page 56 of The Romance Game

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“Yes, it’s definitely a yes.”

Our audience has grown and the women clap and cheer as Ryan wraps his arms around me. Eyes bright, he winks and then fingers clutching my chin, he angles my head for a kiss.

When his lips meet mine, I forget that this is all make-believe. That it’s part of a game we’re playing. The kiss feels so real I let myself pretend for a moment that our future isn’t full of holes and we really are getting married.

Although my grand plan got the wild women off Ryan’s back, it also endears them to him. They want photos with the newly engaged couple, insisting I hold up the doughnut. By the fifth selfie, no longer able to resist, I take a big bite out of my doughnut engagement ring.

After two more photos, it’s gone.

Ryan laughs and plants his arm on my back, leading us off the beach. We’re both quiet as we return the way we came, driving toward Coco Key.

It’s like we don’t want to burst the happy little bubble of bliss that a newly engaged couple would be basking in. Or we don’t want to discuss what this means. I’m not sure which.

News travels the speed of a category five hurricane via the Coconut Wireless and soon, both our phones erupt in a frenzy of beeps and rings.

“That was fast. One of the fans must’ve already posted it. Before long, the entire world will know that Ryan McGregor is officially off the market,” he says.

“Again.” I just realized the flaw in my plan.

“What do you meanagain?” Ryan asks.

“You were off the market after you got engaged to Jayda.”

“Oh, right,” he says as if that didn’t have any effect on his status.

“Did it help thwart the fans?”

“I wasn’t thinking about it then,” he says vaguely. “I guess because it wasn’t real.”

And there’s my answer. The happy bubble pops and I land hard on the ground with the reminder that this is fake, fake, fake.

I browse the messages on my phone. “My family already knows.” I exhale and close my eyes. “My dad.”

“Never mind the world. What about Brando?”

“Bring me home,” I blurt, hoping Heather or Harper explained to my dad that this was staged. That Ryan and I are not actually engaged. He’s going to be disappointed. Talk about romantic-plicated.

“What? No. Anywhere but there.” Ryan slows the SUV.

“I have to deliver the doughnuts and stuff.”

“And stuff? Like watching me walk the plank?”

“Ryan, we’re adults. You’re like twice the size of my cousin and we can explain to him that this is fake.”

“That’s the problem,” Ryan says.

“Yeah. A big problem. Please just bring me home.”

Ryan pulls into the sandy lot in front of Uncle Eddie’s house. Two kids streak by, heading toward the beach. Harper appears on the porch with Luke in her arms.

Heather waves from the upstairs window and then points at her ring finger. I lift the box of doughnuts.

“We brought treats for everyone.” I trade the pastry box for my baby boy, instantly feeling a little more grounded.

“And news.” Brando leans against the porch rail, arms crossed.

“Hey, Brand-bro,” Ryan says as if everything is normal.
