Page 59 of The Romance Game

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“Sure am. You?”

“I’m wherever Harley and Luke are.” I’ve never said something that felt truer, well, except maybe when I told Harley I love her aholelot.

“I can’t believe you’re retiring,” Uncle Eddie says.

“I have my sights set on my replacement.”

The guys laugh, knowing I’m referring to Luke.

“What are we laughing about?” Harley asks, appearing in a Riptide hoodie.

“Life,” her dad says. “It has a funny way of coming full circle. Kind of like a doughnut.”

Everyone chuckles.

Mr. Owens gets up and hugs his daughter. “I’m turning in. Those kids whoop me something good.”

Uncle Eddie and Brando follow, with the latter clapping meon the back, which is better than stabbing me. I fully expected a prison shank when I headed to the garage with the three of them earlier.

“I have questions,” Harley says when she sits down beside me.

“Fire away,” I say, poking the coals of the bonfire.

“Where did the doughnut inspiration come from?”

“You supplied me with the idea. I just worked with it. We make a good team.” I wrap my arm across Harley’s shoulders.

“And why aren’t we dealing with a dead body?”

“Were you just as afraid as me when we went to the garage?”

“It contains many sharp objects.”

I chuckle. “I told them the truth.”

“And that is?—?”

Before I can answer, my phone goes off. I’d already silenced it, but now I shut it down. This is a moment just for Harley and me.

“I’ve had a manvalanche of messages from the guys on the team offering congratulations today. Apparently, the doughnut proposal?—”

“Dough-posal,” Harley corrects.

“That was a lot more authentic than the staged proposal with Jayda.”

“How’d that go? Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

“No more than I want to think about when the Givenator asked you to marry him.”

Harley winces. “You know about that?”

“Saw it online.”

She tucks her chin back. “Were you a fan of his?”

“Him? No, but I’ve been your number-one fan for a long time, Harley Jean.”

“I’m not sure if I should be touched or completely embarrassed.”
