Page 61 of The Romance Game

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Harley tugs on the neckline of my shirt. I press my palms to her lower back.

The kiss deepens.

This is what it must feel like for a football when it sails through the air toward the end zone.

If I were keeping track, you know, for statistical performance purposes, each kiss is better than the last. And each time I get a little more lost, a little closer to forgetting everything from the past and seeing a with Harley in it.

When we part, she rests her head on my chest. I release a long exhale, one I may have been holding for the better part of my life. Instead of feeling like I always need to be on the move, running the field, I settle.

After a beat, I ask, “What do you want to do?”

“Now, or in ten minutes, or?—?”

“In life.”

“I’d like to know what you said to Brando in more detail.”

“First, I apologized for not coming to him or your father sooner. I also stood close to Uncle Eddie in case either of them took a swing. Have you seen the guns on that guy?” I was banking on him having my back.

Harley chuckles. Even in his older years, the man is massive.

“I attempted to make things right with your cousin. I toldhim that since high school, I’d admired your brains, beauty, and bossiness.”

She tilts her head toward me in question.

“You keep me in check. But I regretted not talking to him sooner about how I felt. I was afraid to mess up his and my friendship, so I created boundaries between you and me. Meanwhile, we were sneaking around smooching. It all became very confusing because I acted like I didn’t like you, yet all I could think about was you.”

“I guess I felt the same way but wasn’t afraid of my cousin. I liked you so much that I looked past the way you acted toward me in public and kissed you in private.”

“And gave me what I deserved in public for being an idiot.”

“That too. We were both dumb.”

“Totally immature. Brando and I talked for a few more minutes. I told them that I’m officially retiring. No more games. Just you and me. Then I asked for your dad’s blessing.”

Harley is quiet for a long moment. I’m afraid I went wrong somewhere. Then she sniffles and wraps her arms around me. “That’s the sweetest. I guess this is why we save dessert for last.”

I clasp her back and say, “It was more than worth the wait.”

She inhales sharply. “Hold up. When we were on our way back to Uncle Eddie’s and you were worried about Brando making you walk the plank, and I said that we can just explain to him that it was fake then you said that’s the problem?—?”

“Because it stopped being pretend the night we kissed. Maybe even before that? Was it ever actually a game? I don’t know, Harley, but what I am sure of is the moment I decided to ask you to marry me for real, to tell the truth to your family, to cut the pretense and charade, things turned around.”

“It’s not a game,” she says as if reassuring herself. Then she squeals and bounces a little, which is so not Harley. “So, what do I want to do in life? I’d like to do life with you.”

“Anything more personal, like a dream you’ve always had? I got mine.”

“I can’t believe you’re retiring from football.”

“That, but I mean you. You were my dream girl. Always have been. Always will be.”

“I dough-not know what to say.”

“Say yes.”

“I already did.”

“Then it’s real.”
