Page 65 of The Romance Game

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“I thought you were going to say that you get to work with me every day.”

“That too.”

Ryan squeezes me close and we gaze at the ip & oop for one long moment. “I say we have our first official meeting as business owners.”

“You own it. I’m just helping.”

“You’re my future wife. We’re in this together.”

“Speaking of together, does the offer still stand for Luke and me to stay in the rental with you? Uncle Eddie’s is getting a little too cozy.”

“So long as I can too. Sorry, I love all the kids, but it’s a lot,” Brando says, appearing as if out of nowhere.

I startle.

Ryan wears a confident smile. “There’s plenty of room for you to make sure I keep my word, no funny business.”

Brando clasps Ryan’s massive shoulder. “I trust you. I trust you both.”

“You do?” Ryan asks.

Brando’s phone beeps and he checks it. “Gotta go. See you over there. Tonight okay?”

“Yeah, of course.” Ryan scratches his temple. “He’s got me worried.”

I shake my head. “He’s up to something and not just about keeping an eye on us.”

“What do you mean? How do you know?”

“Takes one to know one. He’s acting the same way I used to when I’d sneak home after meeting you at Hidden Hammock Beach. In fact, he’s walking in that direction right now. I’ll have to check the Coconut Wireless later. Surely, they’ll report about Brando being back in town and what he’s been doing.”

“Up to what though, sitting alone on the beach and writing poetry?”

“Most likely meeting a girl. But who?” I’ll see if my sisters know anything.

That evening, my dad helps us move the boxes into the four-bedroom rental. Luke and I have a room on the second floor, down the hall from Ryan’s. Brando takes the smallest room.CJ is there too, which is baffling because Ryan claims he owns a house somewhere on the island.

We have pizza for dinner and then take a long walk on the beach. I tell Ryan a bit about Luke’s habits with naps, snacks, and bedtime.

Without me having to ask, he helps out and even makes a diaper change attempt.

“That’s not bad for a first-timer, but...” I show him the gaps on the sides. “A little snugger around the legs.”

“Got it. Snugger. More like snuggler.” He picks Luke up and blows raspberries on his belly. The two of them make faces at each other. At first, I’m afraid it’s going to wake Luke up too much before bed, but Ryan’s attention tires him out more than ever. By the time we’re done with our first story, he’s fast asleep.

I set up the baby monitor, grab it, and meet Ryan downstairs. The rental has a massive kitchen with windows on three sides. The ocean sparkles under the moon in the distance.

Ryan gazes out the window. I lace my arm across his waist and he drapes his arm over my shoulders and then kisses the top of my head.

“I never imagined this, Harley.”

I squeeze him tighter and don’t need to ask what he means. I feel it too—we’re full, full of love, joy, and sheer blessing. “God has a good plan for our lives.”

“He sure does.” After a beat, Ryan adds, “But does He have a plan for the Sip & Scoop? I’ve been thinking about it all day and don’t know where to start.”

“First, get rid of the debris, then see what we have left to work with. I suppose the main question to ask is do you want to restore it to the way it was before or do updates? For instance, my sisters are keeping the look of the Plundering Pelican the same as it ever was, because people love themed restaurants, but they’re going to modernize the menu. A little less fried and a little more fresh.”

“Don’t tell me they’re getting rid of the fish and chips.”
