Page 70 of The Romance Game

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I clap CJ on the back. “In a roundabout way, those old stories of pirates and treasure are what brought us back together.”

“Chip gets credit for that,” CJ says.

Royal grunts. He’s come around in a lot of ways, but the subject of our parents and CJ’s insistence that they’re not gone is still a sore spot. It is all for all of us and we have different ways of coping.

Isla says, “Magnus and Lally wanted to let the dogs out before they came over in case we’re here a while.”

“Luke loves dogs—especially General, Lally’s mutt.” I tell them about how General will stand there, let Luke hold on to his back, and very slowly they’ll take steps together. It’s like his very own, living and breathing walker.

I glance at Harley for confirmation and instead of hiding her smile, she’s beaming.

“He’s such an amazing little dude—Luke—and the dog too.”

Isla wears a warm smile. “I’ve seen you in town with your son. He’s adorable.”

The wind blows outside and with it, Magnus opens the door with Lally by his side.

“Whoa. It’s blustery,” she says, smoothing her curly hair.

“There’s a storm way out to sea. Guessing it’s coming off that,” CJ says.

“What have I missed?” Magnus asks.

“Same old arguments,” Royal says.

Isla taps the air with her finger. “Ladies, let’s get some snacks and drinks together.” She drops her voice a measure. “I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

I take one long look at Harley, my high school dream girl, my Miss Manatee, my frenemy, and now my fiancée. Wearingan off-the-shoulder shirt and leggings, she’s more beautiful than ever. I look forward to a future when all this is behind us.

First, I sense there’s an adventure ahead. One last quest, courtesy of Chip, before all of this can finally be put to rest.

While Magnus gives a quick update on the status of Boo’s Battle Bros and Royal talks about the quickly filling reservation list at the Driftwood, my attention shifts from their successes to the Sip & Scoop. Not only did our grandfather leave us with a treasure hunt, but he also left us his legacy...right where he started. He built these businesses from the bottom up. Time and storms and life knocked them down, so in some ways, we’re starting over, but on top of the strong foundation Chip provided.

I just hope that I can do him proud.

From the kitchen, where the women arrange a tray of beige foods like crackers, cheese, and chips and dip, I hear my name.

“Yes, Ryan was the biggest flirt,” Harley says.

“I can’t believe you’ve known these guys for so long.” That’s Lally.

“They were good friends with my cousin Brando. I was the brat. Whatever they told you about me is probably true.”

“We were warned,” Isla says.

Harley laughs it off. “I try to keep that to a minimum these days. But people do change. Though not everyone.” I stop listening when they commiserate over their loser exes.

The ladies’ chat is short-lived, and they soon bring over food and drinks.

Getting started, CJ says, “This is what we know.” Then he reads from the will. “To the eldest, Magnus, I leave my father’s pocket knife and a pillow. To Twin Royal, I leave the family Bible and a book of matches. To Twin Ryan, I leave my journal and a pen.”

“With a plume,” Harley interjects.

I love this woman.

CJ finishes. “To Chip Junior, I leave my sextant and the Salty Skeleton.”

“You’re Chip Junior?” Lally asks.
