Page 81 of The Romance Game

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We all lean in.

“You have to read it,” Royal says.

Heaving a sigh, CJ obeys and we learn that the Crimson Tide sustained cannon fire and then ran aground in Middle Bight Cay, almost due east of here.

“She was headed through the Straits of Florida and was blown off course while another ship hunted down the Crimson Tide.” CJ turns the journal around and shows us the last page. The one Harley and I saw with the water stains. Could they be tears? Had the devil’s charm worn off?

Everyone is quiet and only the shushing of the surf down below can be heard over our beating hearts. Even though Márcia became a pirate and probably did some terrible things, she was still our ancestor and her story is tragic because of the way she was driven to provide for her family.

“It’s safe to say the Crimson Tide sunk,” Royal says.

“And the captain didn’t survive to tell the rest of the tale,” I add.

“But Chip did obtain her diary, which was on the ship since she was writing about the events,” Magnus says astutely. “How did he get it and why did he leave it to you?”

“Maybe his entries provide answers.”

CJ continues with our grandfather’s section. He comments on Márcia’s diary entries, the sunken ship, and his intent to finish what she’d started and exact revenge on the Royal House of Sousa for disavowing their family and leaving them adrift with nothing in a faraway land.

The long shadows across the lawn suggest we’ve been at this for a while.

With a glance toward the west, Magnus mutters, “Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.”

Everyone is tired. Harley goes home to Luke, Lally checks onthe dogs, and Isla attends to matters at the resort, leaving just us brothers, gathered here once again as we had done for so many years. Back then, we were carrying out our grandfather’s directions to search for treasure, solve riddles, and learn how to tie knots, sail, and navigate. Now, we’re reading about his adventures.

Long hours pass while CJ pores over the journal.

By sun up, the diary has revealed that Chip found the pearl and the diamond belonging to the crown on various diving expeditions well before our mother was born along with the coral later on.

“That means they were removed from the crown before it was lost,” Magnus says.

Next, we learn that Chip found the map, intact, but is the one who tore it up.

“But why?” Royal asks.

“I think to answer these questions, we need some brain beans,” I say, hungry and requiring caffeine.

CJ skims the rest of the diary and says it’s worth reading, but doesn’t see anything that will answer these questions. Exhausted, we head into town to find Lally and Isla where they’re still covering Robyn while she’s on their honeymoon cruise. At least they got a few hours of sleep.

Only, when we get there, Bean is back.

Isla stumbles in and nearly collides with her sister.

Eyes suddenly bright, she asks, “How was your honeymoon?”

Robyn’s mouth is pinched tight, but her eyes tell a different story. “We can talk later. I got worried when we got back last night and you weren’t answering your phone.”

“Tell me more about thisweyou speak of?” Isla asks, jutting out her elbow.

Robyn draws a deep breath. “I mean you and me and there won’t be any chocolate involved. For now, I’m changing the subject.”

“But you’re glowing,” Isla says.

Robyn looks at her sister carefully, “So are you. But everyone else looks terrible, like you were up all night. You’ve come to the right place. I missed the best coffee north of Brazil.” She takes a little spin around her coffee shop.

“We’ve been up learning about the mystery,” I say.

Robyn whips around. “The mystery of the lost crown of tears?”
