Page 94 of The Romance Game

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Royal grunts. “That’s a first.”

“Him apologizing or that he had stuff—whatever that is?” Ryan asks.

Lally gets to her feet. “Listen, the clock is ticking. This is happening tonight or maybe not at all.” Her shoulders lift and lower on a breath. “I haven’t wanted to mention this because it could be nothing, but when we were at your wedding reception, Royal and Isla, I saw a guy with a unique pair of cufflinks. Well, I didn’t see him, just the cufflinks because they were distinct. I’d seen them not long before.”

Everyone leans in.

“Captain J had a pair with two cards, aces. So did the guy at the wedding.”

We fire questions her way, but she maintains that she didn’t see his face. Thought maybe she imagined it and hadn’t said anything because she wasn’t entirely sure.

“I’m just saying, it’s worth it. This ship has been prowling the shores of Coco Key. The captain had the ship in the bottle. He’s tied to this somehow and I want to find out what we can.”

“She has a point. I’ll go with her,” CJ offers.

“And what are you going to do? Scare the pirate captain with the Salty Skeleton?” Royal asks.

CJ rolls his eyes.

“We still don’t know what that is,” Ryan adds.

“Guys, focus. I have to get to the cottages. Magnus and I have work to do today. It’s tonight or never,” Lally says.

“We have your back.” Isla rolls her fists like she’s ready to duke it out if necessary.

“Let’s divide into teams again,” Ryan suggests.

“I’ll keep watch on shore.” Royal raises his hand, volunteering.

“Me too,” I say, my very real responsibility sitting in my lap and petting a large dog’s muzzle which is also in my lap.

I’m afraid the debate is going to take until sundown, but eventually, it’s Royal, CJ, and me who’ll remain on shore and Lally, Magnus, Isla, and Ryan who’ll go to the Dark Seas.

After everyone disperses, Ryan goes to the Sip & Scoop to meet with a contractor. Luke and I spend the rest of the morning lounging and playing, just the two of us like it had always been. Around lunchtime, we visit with my sisters and end up spending the rest of the day there, sampling dishes for the Plundering Pelican, which will be hosting its grand reopening in exactly thirty days.

Despite my daredevil youth and the last weeks being a wild ride, I rather like the quiet life. Even though we’ve been workinghard on the Sip & Scoop, I kind of miss the simplicity and routine of working at the Gastrodome.

Life wasn’t always easy, but it was familiar. Back here in Coco Key, I don’t know what to expect each day, and even less so tonight.

Luke and his cousins have a sleepover, which they’re all thrilled about. Ryan picks me up and we say our goodbyes on the shore.

“Take good care of her,” CJ says to Magnus.

Magnus frowns. “Of course, Lally is my fiancée.”

“I meant my boat.” CJ looks at it lovingly.

The oldest McGregor brother grumbles.

As it motors away, I catch the name on the sternMon Jolie.

The three of us remaining on shore watch until the aft lights on the boat could be a trick of the night.

Settling on Mr. Cross’s bench, we’re all quiet for a time.

“Did Ryan figure out what solution to use on the paper with the invisible ink?” Royal asks.

“He’s hesitant because if it’s the wrong one, it could ruin it.”
