Page 99 of The Romance Game

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A fully functional lighthouse would be useful right now because there’s a lot that remains in the dark.

Any progress on the hunt gets put on hold as life and work fill the next weeks. Ryan has been preoccupied, but the Sip & Scoop has a roof and proper walls, so that’s progress.

Everyone in my family prepares for the Plundering Pelican’s grand opening and the McGregors band together, leaving Luke and me just like it had been for so long.

Not going to lie, I feel a bit lonely. A bit out of place. Like I’m halfway between my old life and this one.

Before I go to bed on a breezy night that brings to mind a song about the winds of change, I check my email to see if we’ve heard back from a couple of vendors for the ice cream shop.

The top message is from [email protected] It’s from my old boss, offering me my old job, well, my job before I got my last promotion. The one I had to decline because I needed to take maternity leave.

I read the email a couple of times before putting my phone away. The fact that it’s not an instant no from me gives me pause. It would be a great opportunity, but I’d have to leave Coco Key. I’d be away from my sisters and life here. Then there’s Ryan.

My thoughts flip-flop.

Luke would have to go back to full-time daycare. Yet, we’d have benefits, and I’d have the potential to move up, obtain that promotion, and keep climbing.

I’d be gone long hours. At least waiting tables at the Gastrodome offered some flexibility. It was hard work, but my schedule was around Luke. However, at Appeal, I could get dressed up every day and wouldn’t get hit on by drunk football fans. Okay, I did get hit on, Troy Givens being a case in point. There were long hours there and late nights at Appeal PR. Though, I’ve had plenty of those here.

But what do I want? What’s best for Luke?

I fell for Ryan, but I’m afraid that if it doesn’t work out, there’s no one to catch me like CJ did at the top of the lighthouse. I have to fend for myself and Luke. That means making the hard decision to take the job at least for a little while. Maybe Ryan and I can make something work long-distance and we can visit on the weekends.

When the night fades to morning and the birds start chirping, I make my decision and reply to the email.

I just hope I don’t regret it.



My life used to be one thing and one thing only. Football. Now, if my life were a pizza, it would be divided into three equal pieces: Harley and Luke, the Sip & Scoop, and the treasure hunt.

Why am I thinking about it this way? Because I’m stuffing a slice of leftover pepperoni from last night into my mouth for breakfast as I dash out the door.

But before I get there, my phone rings. There’s only one person who’d call me this early. Okay, two. Magnus...and my coaches. It’s Webster.

My stomach drops, and with my mouth full, I’m not sure whether to answer. It might be important or maybe this is a peace offering, so I swallow quickly, nearly choking on the crust.

“Sir?” I answer, out of habit.

“Morning McGregor. I regret to inform you that I’m retiring this year. As you know, things became a little complicated a few months back.”

I fumble, caught off guard and not sure how to reply.

He continues, “My entanglements and suggestions weren’t wise, so I’m stepping down.”

It’s not an apology, but I say, “I’m sorry to hear that. You were a great assistant coach. The team was lucky to have you.”

“Well, thanks. It’s big of you to say that.”

I don’t necessarily believe that, but my brothers and I were taught to take the high road.

“I was also advised to offer you,” he clears his throat, “double pay to stay on the team for one more year.”

This time I do choke, but not because I took another bite of pizza. No, it’s colder than ever, forgotten on the counter.

“Wow. I don’t know what to say. I’ll have to think about it.”
