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She shuddered when I did, without taking her eyes off me. I thrust just three times and she groaned, breathless, “Watch me come, baby. Ohhh …”

We looked at each other with such close intensity.

Her eyes fired me up!

“Now now me too now yes ahhhh!” I thrust three more times as I burst with the most delicious feelings from head to toe that I’d ever experienced.

I collapsed on her, careful not to crush her. She started to chuckle. Then laugh.

She lifted her legs to trap me around the waist and laughed, all the while nuzzling my neck and feathering my face with her lips.

I felt so good. The sound of her laughter was contagious. I joined in.

She finally whispered, “And we were …”

“… nervous?”

“…didn’t seem …”


“… with you,” she finished.

She had her hands on my buttocks, “Don’t pull out yet. I like this. I like it alot.”

“Then we have to stop laughing,” I growled—while laughing.

Well, that did it! I slipped out, “Now, didn’t I warn you, lady? I did warn you, right?”

And I dove my arms under her torso and flipped her over so she was on top of me.

Her silken, coppery red-gold hair cascaded over my face, neck, and chest.

“Sexy hair. Getting me hard again.”

“Again?” she mocked, “Again? You meankeepingyouhard, I know you do!”

And though full of my semen, she grabbed the condom at the base of my shaft and pointed me right back into her.

She stared at my stiff erection, “You’re so thick. I can’t get my fingers ‘round you. But have you noticed that you …”

“… fit just perfect inside you? Oh, yeah!”

I slid in.

My “Ahh, home-sweet-home. Yeah, I’m pussy-whipped. That’s me, pussy-whipped lover,” had her laughing at me.

I gave it more, “Pussy gets what pussy wants. Boss me around all she wants. Her wish is my command,” made her laugh and laugh.

The laughter stopped when I started thrusting and bucking hard into her. That sobered us both. We got a rhythm that we were born to play together. She rode my shaft.

I gasped, “I can’t …”

“Me, either …”

We both shouted our pleasure one more time.

We laughed and cuddled. Touched and kissed. Explored and feasted our eyes on each other. Never separated.
