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Oh, my god! “Samantha!”

She was sprawled at a scary angle and I didn’t dare touch her.

As I looked things over from where I stood, I saw several things at once.

Skid marks on the floor from the front door to where she lay—a floor that had been …greased?!

Sammie was groaning but at the same time seemed to be knocked out. Unconscious.

Oh my god. Oh, please. I had my phone on me and, fumbling it in my hands, I called 911 for an ambulance.

Got ‘em. Street address. Overview of the situation. On their way.

Davie! I didn’t have his number. Not yet. I could find it on her phone. I hoped.

Her tote was closer to me than she was. It must’ve gone flying when she slipped.

I shuffled over on my knees to where her bag had landed. Didn’t dare get up and walk. Slipping risk.

I rummaged in her bag and realized I was shaking.

Never been in an emergency like this one.

To calm down, I spoke out loud to myself, “Breathe in. Breathe out.”

I found her phone, still fumbling with shaky hands, and dialed Davie and Jerry's number.

“Sammie? What’s wrong?” were his first words.

I explained what happened, including the grease. I tried to be clear, “So far, I only see grease on the front shop floor. Can’t tell you about the kitchen. Lights there are still off.”

He was aghast. He interrupted his cussing and begged, “Stay with her, please. I’m also calling the police.”

There was no question of me leaving!

He said, “I'll get the security feed right away. Then Jerry and I are on our way.”

I shuffled on my knees nearer to Samantha. I wanted to help her so badly! The lights were off and the street lamps didn’t help much.

Broken bones? Concussion? I just didn't know. I looked for any bleeding.

Fretting, not daring to touch her, I looked as closely as I could. Eyes closed. No sign she’s in pain, but … Fainted? Unconscious.

Minutes later I heard the ambulance siren. Oh, no! I had to warn them about the grease!

I shuffled, still on my knees back to the front door. A male and female got out and they understood right away. They asked me to stay on the front sidewalk.

I told them, “The police should be on their way, too. Please be careful of yourselves!”

It seemed right to call Alex, too. I knew he came in at half-past. But I thought I’d better wait for Davie and Jerry.

Good thing. It turned out they’d called Alex on their way to me.

By the time the men got to the bakery, they were both fuming mad! “What? Davie? Do you know something I don’t?”

“Yes,” he growled. “That rat-bastard stalker was released from custody a couple of days ago. On atechnicality.Found out late yesterday afternoon.”

Then the medics said they were ready to take Samantha to the nearest hospital. City General. Davie said, “Go!” I climbed into the ambulance with the woman who held my heart.
