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The car service alerted me as requested. The driver came by and picked me up on our way to get Samantha.

I wasn't sure about this. But at the same time, I couldn't not do it.

The driver knew the drill and would help her get from her wheelchair into the back seat and out again at the doctor’s office. The vehicle had a trunk spacious enough for her folded wheelchair, and what I’d bought for her.

I was more nervous than I'd been in a long time. I wanted to see her so badly! But I didn't want her to reject me, either.

Before she pushed us all away, she had shared her medical schedule with me. I’d been plotting and planning this day since Davie told me she had shut herself in.

Had she read my texts? Deleted them before looking? I didn’t know.

Was I anxious? Oh, yeah!

We pulled up to her townhouse. I stayed in the backseat and just waited for the driver to do his thing. The driver more or lesslifted her, backward, down the three steps from her door to the sidewalk.

No wonder she was grumpy! Stairs and steps in a wheelchair? Whew …

Samantha came out and was so focused on getting herself safely into the car that she didn't notice me sitting anxiously on the other side of the seat until she was fully settled.

I'd been holding my breath the whole time! Biting my lower lip. Wringing my hands.

Watching her maneuver. Wanting to help. Wanting to touch her.

She’d gotten in the right passenger door, so her healthy side was near me.

When she realized someone was in the car with her and saw it was me …

“Beautiful darling! Don't be mad at me, please! Please ...”

“Whattookyou so long?!”

That would have shocked me into protestations but before I could even register what she'd said, she burst into tears—with a look of relief and joy on her face nonetheless. She reached for my hand.

I held on tight.

Oh, boy.Thatwent well!

“I didn’t want …”

“I know, I know. My fault …”

“…never hurt you …”

“… missed you so much …”

“… don’t …”

“… never again …”

“… Never!”

“Kiss me, you crazy mad inventor!”

And now that we hadthatcleared up, we just held hands after I scooted over to be shoulder-to-shoulder with my beautiful darling.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
