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Chuckling some more, “You don’t have to tell me. Really! You know I took over the bakery space last spring. How long has your business been in the building next to me? Is that top secret, too?”

God, so sexy!

I wasn't quite sure I wanted to tell her that my family owned the business. And the building. I just said, “Actually, from the beginning. Well, not true. I did the remote staffing thing for awhile but wasn't very satisfied with it. I’m kind of absent-minded if my family and staff are telling me the truth …”

She grinned and shook her finger at me, “I have to say it: The absent-minded inventor!”

We laughed, and I made like I was caught, “Guilty!”

She said, “Next door, then?”

I grinned at this gorgeous woman, “So … absent-minded that I amsaidto be, having people around me keeps me focused if you know what I mean. The remote people who wanted to come to work at an office every day were hired. And I had to replace the others. So, to answer your question, about three years.”

We had a nice time. I saw her tiring, “Getting past the baker’s bedtime? Let’s get you home.”

She gave my driver an address that was six blocks from the bakery … and my own home. What were the chances?

I walked her up the steps and waited till her key was in the door.

She turned and, with her hand out, “Thanks. I had a lovely time.”

And we shook hands.

Not exactly what the daydream prescribed. But I’d take it!


Ithought about Leighton all the time. Since the morning I caught him crawling around my deep fryer and watching his fine, fine tush wiggling around. And at dinner that afternoon. Not to mention all the days since then? He was on my mind.

We hadn’t seen each other for several days after our dinner. But I’d gotten him on the phone twice, to order, and we chatted for just a minute each time. I never knew how to hang up with him!

Sure, he was a very, very handsome man with a seductive bass voice that I could listen to all day and all night. But he was also charming and smart.

I just felt good in his company. That was a very big deal for me. Very big. I felt safe with him. I felt at ease with him.

The couple of times we were together, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. And I got a smile on my face every time I remembered how he looked at me.

The truth? I'd always dreamed of having a lover who looked at me the way he did. Not that he was my lover yet!

Yet? Where did that come from? Ever hopeful.

Alex had ended his shift hours ago. Amy left as usual after our 2:30 shop closing. I followed my routine of prepping batters and dough for the nightly baking and did my bookkeeping.

I was also determined to grow my customer base, and did some online marketing, posting one new no-face Reel ad. Davie was crystal clear about my online presence. No face in the ads.

I might not have started doing these Reel things if I’d known that a ten-second video took nearly half an hour to produce. Oh, well. Go with the trend. I’d get better and faster at it, eventually.

It was time for Davie to come for me, so I wrapped things up, went to the front for a final inspection, and pulled the door open to leave. I had my key in the door to lock up and looked left. No one in sight. I looked right.

There was Leighton! But as my heart started to soar, I saw him lean in and give a kiss and a hug to … an unfortunately very attractive blond.

My heart sank. I couldn't not watch, though. Leighton picked up a boxy thing that had been sitting at their feet. They turned away from me, his arm around her shoulders, as Leighton opened a town car passenger door and they both got in. The car drove off in the opposite direction from my store.

I felt like crying but bucked up. Woman! You’ve just had a horrendous experience with a horrible man! Why expect to move right into a new relationship?

Well, it wouldn’t be with Mr. Peterson, I guess. I’d never, ever be a heart-breaking homebreaker. Never!

I kept telling myself he was just a customer. Just a customer. Just a customer.
