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My two guys wandered away and I heard a pint-sized belch. Then a man-sized one!

“Baby! Stop teaching our children your disgusting habits!” I called out, but I laughed.

He brought me two sips of red wine in a brandy glass. He still had our sleepy newborn tucked under his arm.

I fondled his dangling treasures as he handed the glass to me. I felt and saw him stiffen. I gazed at his growing erection with lust. I moaned with resignation. He saw the look on my face.

“I know you've been waiting nine months for this taste of grapes. But you’ll have to wait a couple more weeks forothertasty things in my possession,” he teased.

Our newborn son Jason was the only one home with us. It was all hands on deck to give Leighton and me a short week alone together, as quiet as we could be, at home. The family had done this wonderful thing for us with number two, and again with our third child.

The two younger ones were with their Uncle Davie and their Uncle Jerry. Molly was with Grandma and Grandpa. All three of them were very likely being irrevocably spoiled by their two aunties, as well.

Family! I had a big ol’ family. My very own OTL gave me a big happy family.

“Put the baby to bed, my lover man. I wanna make out like a big girl with you.”

“Well, darlin’? Even though we seem to have skipped the strip-dancing part?”

Knowing, but hating, that it was too soon for sex, “There’s always naked slow dancing, baby.”

And singing our love to each other.

My tall, dark, and oh-so-handsome husband put on an 80s love song and reached for my hand.
