Page 2 of He's So Rough

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A moment later, my mom and dad appeared in the kitchen dressed for their date night.

“We’re about to head out for the night, Fina sweetheart,” my father said as he adjusted his cufflinks.

Dad then turned and embraced my mother. He murmured something to her that had Mom tossing her head back and laughing, her cheeks turning pink.

As I absentmindedly watched my father flirt with her, I felt this strange sensation move over me, pulling my attention elsewhere. The back of my neck tingled, and the hairs on my arms stood on end.

A chill of…somethingdark and dangerous raced through me, as if something was waiting for an opportune moment of… what?

“When are you leaving?” I cleared my throat and ran my hands over my arms.

“We have a reservation at the Carlton in the city tonight and tomorrow.” My mom glanced at my dad and grinned. “We splurged for the Presidential Suite. It’s got a balcony with a Jacuzzi.”

My mother’s voice was so excited I couldn’t help but smile at her clear happiness. “That sounds nice.”

“We’re going to leave so we’ll beat the weather and get there early enough to have dinner in the city.”

Despite trying to shake this strange sensation in me, I still felt off, as if there was this heavy presence that had a tight hold on me. Overwhelming me.

Or maybe it was just sinking in that I’d be left here alone when the storm would be hitting. Yes, that had to be it. There was no other explanation for it.

My parents started talking again, reminding me how to turn on the gas fireplace if we lost power, then said goodbye after they each gave me a warm hug and kisses on my cheeks. A moment later, I heard the front door open and close then their car starting. I stood there and listened to their engine fade into the distance.

I tipped my wine glass back and swallowed a mouthful then went back for a second glass. Then a third. I had one goal in mind tonight—finish that bottle of wine and watch a movie until I passed out. Then I wouldn’t have to think about being left alone during a snowstorm. Yes, I was an adult, and my parents shouldn’t have had to worry about their daughter like they did when I was ten and scared of thunder, but still.

Couldn’t they have postponed date night until after the inclement weather? Fortheirsafety as well?

I grabbed the wine bottle and was about to head into the living room when that heavy feeling intensified. I finally worked out what that sense was.

I wasn’t alone.

And as if my thoughts conjured that reality, there was a hard rap at the front door. I didn’t move right away but turned and faced the entryway of the kitchen and foyer. A second later, there was another rap, this one harder than the first.

Heart in my throat, I headed toward it. My hand had just wrapped around the doorknob when it started turning on its own. I didn’t have time to slide the lock in place before the door was pushed open.

I stumbled back, my jaw unlocking, lips parting as it swung inward. I nearly dropped the bottle of wine but ended up hugging it to my chest as I gasped, both at seeing who it was and the freezing glass suddenly pressed to my cleavage. But it wasn’t relief that filled me when I saw it was my uncle who stood on the other side, dressed all in black and looking me up and down.

It was a wave of heat and lust that instantly slammed into me as well as a healthy dose of fear. I moved several steps back.

This was my uncle. Family. I shouldn’t have any anxiety being around him, but the way he looked at me was primal. Animalistic. And combined with the shame I felt from my lust toward him, my emotions lit up as wholly negative. Family or not.

He came in and shut the door behind him, sealing us in together. This felt… different. And not just because his eyes dropped to where the chilled bottle of wine had hardened my nipples enough they certainly showed through my pajama top. Where those black eyes lingered.

“Dad and Mom left for the night.” My voice was soft, my mouth dry, my throat tight as I tried to distract him from the way he zeroed in on my breasts.

“I know,” he said and smiled slowly, and I knew in that moment this was exactly what he wanted.



Damien’s words echoed in my head.

I licked my lips and turned, dropping the bottle to my side as I headed back into the kitchen. He followed, the sound of heavy footsteps filling the air.

I refused to look anywhere but at my wineglass as I poured myself another when I heard his footsteps coming closer from behind.

“Look at me,” he ordered, and I exhaled and slowly turned around. My newly filled wineglass in hand felt like a shield I could use to keep distance between us. I drank from it greedily as I stared at him.
