Page 109 of Holiday Vibes

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Timothy, this is a FAMILY chat, not your personal space to sext your wife. Log off.


“Okay, that’s enough for tonight,” I say, turning the notifications off and dropping my phone onto the counter. “I love your family, but they are unhinged.”

“Yup,” Jessie says, popping thep. “We’re going to need to Timbo-proof our life.”

I laugh. “Impossible. Now grab a seat. I’ll make dinner.”

Now that I no longer need to be Warwick-fit, my kitchen is stocked with a variety of food. Still, I want to make something fast. I settle for Tuscan chicken pasta because it’s one of Jessie’s favorites.

Instead of sitting down, Jessie hovers by the fridge, looking at my collection of magnets. Rearranging them. I have every kind of magnet on there, from letters of the alphabet to destinations to humorous little sayings. If I came across it when searching magnets and it wasn’t something offensive, I bought it. I’m curious what she’s doing with them. Sorting them, turning them into art.

Dinner is nearly ready before I stop what I’m doing to have a closer look at what she’s been up to.

A large space has been cleared away, with a simple question spelled out with the alphabet magnets:


will you marry me one day

Her face is pink, her eyes shimmering. Her hands are clasped together, but that’s not stopping them from shaking.

“I’ve been thinking,” she says, taking a deep breath. “One day, when you’re ready, if you’re ready, I want to get married. I know I said we don’t have to—and I mean it, we don’t, I’ll be happy so long as we’re together—but I’d like to make you an official Foley. If you want.” She winces and adds, “You don’t have to take my last name.”

I stare at her, still not understanding, but a warmth unfurls in my chest, spreading out. Her amber eyes are so open, so hopeful, and so full of emotion that I can’t look away.

Jessie wants a future with me. One where we’ll stand up in front of family and friends and vow to love each other through it all.

I swore off relationships and the idea of marriage after my divorce but it only takes a handful of refrigerator magnets to knock down all the bullshit excuses I put up in the name of self-preservation. It only takes a second of looking into her wide, beautiful eyes to know that I want to take her down the aisle and call her my wife and start a family with her, whatever that ends up looking like for us.

The whole thing leaves me floored, in the best possible way. It feels so right. I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I want to make a home with Jessie and yeah, we don’t need to get married to do that, but…I want goats at our wedding. I want our day to go down in Foley family lore. I don’t give a fuck if her brother brings the whole circus. I want everything.

“It’s too soon,” she says in a rush. “Forget it.”

I close the distance between us, taking her hands in mine. “We’ve known each other for twenty years. It’s not too soon.”

Her lips tip up into a hesitant smile. “It’s not?”

“No.” I sink on one knee. “Jessie, I’m ready. I love you, and asking you like this wasn’t a part of the plan, but I’m all in. Will you marry me one daysoon?”

“Yes.” She pulls me to my feet and into her arms. I kiss her and she melts into me, and this, right here with her, is worth striving for. I will never take for granted all the little things that finally brought us here, to this moment. One perfect Christmas, and the promise of so many more to come.

“Sass and mistletoe,” I murmur.

Jessie blinks at me, looking a little dazed but happier than I’ve ever seen her.

“That’s what you were wearing in the laundry room.” I remind her. “I’m going to need to know what other holidays you commemorate with themed panties.” I pause to kiss her again. “Presidents’ Day? Valentine’s Day? Earth Day?”

She laughs. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.”

I smile at her. “I can’t wait.”

The End
