Page 14 of Holiday Vibes

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I can’t connect these dots—Sherlock Holmes couldn’t connect these dots. “We both know you snore. I don’t understand what you’re getting at. Does Mina talk in her sleep?”

“No,” he says quickly, the excitement rolling off him. “But Nic does.”

Ah. That’s what he’s getting at. “I do not have a crush on Nic.” I grab Nic’s cue stick. I need to hit something.

Timothy gives me a maddening little shrug. “Would you tell me? If you did?”

I line up my shot. “I. Do. Not. Have. A. Crush. On. That. Asshole.” I grit out, shooting the stick forward. I knock a few balls around, none of which find a pocket. My face feels hot. To think I came down here toapologize.

My brother puts a hand to his chest and gasps. “I never accused you of having a crush on Nic.” He leans across the pool table toward me, eyes wide. “Do you have a crush on Nic?”

“For fuck’s sake.” I drop the cue stick, spin on my heels, and head for the stairs while Timothy laughs.

“I love her.” He calls after me. “I was scared. Didn’t want to tell anyone because I was afraid I never had a chance. When we got together…I couldn’t believe my luck. It didn’t feel real—this amazing woman loves me as much as I love her.”

I stop on the bottom step and turn.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her, Jessie, but I was afraid you wouldn’t trust it. You wouldn’t give her a chance.”

I cross my arms. “I would’ve given her a chance.”

He raises an eyebrow.

Goddammit, he’s right. I would’ve found a million small things to pick at, afraid he’d get hurt. Timothy has a huge heart, and he gives it away too easily, too carelessly.

“Okay, fine. Maybe I’m a little cynical.” I’ve always been that way, but having my heart broken five years ago cemented it.

“A little bit,” he says, holding up his thumb and index finger. The distance between them starts small but grows until Timothy shrugs and holds both hands wide apart. “Just a little.”

I glare.

“You’ll like her, I promise.”

I really, really hope I do. “She can’t be too bad if she’s marrying you. Delusional, maybe. Masochistic, definitely.”

He laughs. “Thanks. Now get over here, I haven’t kicked your ass yet.”

Grumbling, I stomp back to my cue stick because I want quality time with this dipshit. “Fine.”

Timothy sinks another ball. He’s going to kick my ass and I’m going to deal with it because I’ve missed him.

He clears his throat. “So Nic—”

Why have I missed my brother? “No Nic.”

Timothy sends another ball into a corner pocket before asking, “What did he do? And don’t give me some long list of tiny grievances. I want one big thing that Nic’s done or said to hurt you.”

He ruined painting for me, but that one hurts too much. I choose the next one down on my list. “Do you remember Camden?”

Timothy’s puzzled frown is fake. “Camden, New Jersey?”

“Adams, dumbass. From five years ago.”

“The boyfriend who was supposed to propose to you?” He becomes engrossed in his next shot. Not at all suspicious.

I lean over the table. “Yeah. The one who broke up with me after spending Thanksgiving Day hanging out with you and Nic.” In truth, the breakup was more mutual—but Camden brought it up first so he can bear the burden.

Things were getting serious between us. We’d been talking about moving in together and he’d asked me questions about what kind of ring I’d like, so I brought him home to meet the family. Foolishly, I left him with Nic and Timothy while I went to bed early. It was good for him to bond with my brother, right?
