Page 22 of Holiday Vibes

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“So would I,” I say.

Mina’s eyes fall on my open suitcase, and the sex toys scattered everywhere. “Timothy said you work for a sex toy company.” She grins. “The overtime must be awful.”

I laugh. “Surprisingly hazardous occupation. What do you do?”

“I design and produce eco-friendly underwear.”

Her company is called Wild Things. I haven’t heard of it, but Mina pulls out her phone and shows me some of her products. They look really good.

There’s a bit of an awkward lull after we’ve talked a bit about undergarments, and a smile slowly spreads wide across Mina’s face. “So how’s Nic?”

I cough. Hard. There’s something about the look in her eyes that is anything but innocent. “Bit of cookie, still stuck.” I croak out the lie and drain my glass.

Mina laughs. “Is he all silent and broody here too?”

Cunnilingus has me paranoid—she’s being snarky, not insinuating anything. “I mistake him for a houseplant all the time,” I say.

That smile of hers is sly. “A cactus.”

“Because he’s a prick.” I add with a grin.

“I think we’re going to get along just fine,” Mina says, refilling our wine. “I’ve got some shopping to do tomorrow before the wedding. Want to come?”

Shit. I need to. My Folly dress isn’t fit for a wedding—even Timothy’s. “Sounds good.” I need to find a Christmas present for Mina too. And Nic. I might get him something nice this year since he gave me a hell of an orgasm.

Okay, he’s taking up too much space in my head. It’s time to make sure I’m taking equal square footage in his. I shouldn’t have to suffer alone. It’s Christmas.

Chapter seven


Sittingthroughthechaosof another family game night is surreal when scarcely six hours ago I was licking Jessie’s pussy.

What the hell was I thinking? She taunts me over a kiss so I dive between her legs?

The moment I saw her standing there in her underwear, I should’ve fled. Staying to pick up the Ping-Pong balls when she looked so irritated was a mistake. Talking to her was a mistake. Going down on her was a mistake. Escaping the moment I realized what we’d done? Not a mistake, but a regret. It could’ve been her mouth giving me much-needed release instead of my hand.

Why do I keep doing this to myself? Going down on Jessie was another bad decision in a string of bad decisions and I hate how I still taste her on my lips, how little echoes of the sweet sounds she made play on a loop in my head. The way she ground herself against my mouth scrambled my brain and I still haven’t recovered.

“Muff. Twelve points.” Jessie lines up her tiles on the Scrabble board, her grin a challenge, her eyes betraying us to anyone who looks her way.

My face flushes warm. I take a swig from my beer to buy some cover while Jessie’s older sister Amanda considers her options, blissfully ignorant of the conversation Jessie’s eyes are having with me.

Hazel is calling out moves to the kids playing Twister. Timothy is noisily losing a game of cribbage to his father, much to Mina’s delight. Celia’s in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on dessert.

In a room full of people, Jessie and I might as well be alone.

Thank god the seismic shift between us has gone unnoticed. I have no idea what any of the Foleys would think about us hooking up, and I never want to find out. I don’t want to lose the closest thing I have to family because I couldn’t keep my hormones in check.

Jessie hasn’t told anyone. I don’t think she will, not when she can torture me.

“Your turn.” Amanda nudges me.

The letters on the tiles in front of me might as well be Greek. I toss aneron the end of Amanda’s ‘cheat.’ “Cheater, twelve points.”

“Apt.” Jessie proclaims, plucking her beer up.

Instead of defending myself, I rest my elbow on the table, my chin in my hand, and stare at her.
