Page 34 of Holiday Vibes

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“Yeah,” Timothy says with a laugh as I sit in Nic’s spot. “That’s gonna hide him. Like an elephant behind a parking meter.”

Given the high back of the booth and our location toward the back of the restaurant, and our side with our backs to the door, only a couple of tables now have a clear view of Nic.

Thank you, he mouths to me as he slips his coat off a few minutes into Timothy’s next tangent. I tip my head in a slight acknowledgment.

No one recognizes Nic during lunch—or if they do, they don’t care enough to gawk.

Timothy and Mina carry on the conversation. Nic manages to contribute a few grunts. I barely speak, but Mina lets me doodle in her sketchbook. I’m so engrossed in Christmas doodles that I don’t notice Timothy and Mina ditching us while Nic pays the bill.

Fine. I need to get something for Mina anyway. I tuck her sketchbook into my bag and follow Nic. Walking out into the bitingly fresh air jolts me awake. “Meet you at the truck,” I say to him before taking advantage of a break in traffic to dart across the street. I duck into a quirky housewares shop, the scent of cinnamon candles and the victory of my escape bringing a smile to my face as I skip over to the table full of snarky Christmas mugs.

Ten seconds later there’s a tug on my coat sleeve and I drop the mug. The clatter hides my gasp of surprise.

Irritation sharpens Nic’s voice. “Don’t do that again. I was almost hit by a car.”

He followed me. Into traffic? He’s exaggerating. I make a dismissive noise as I inspect the dropped mug—not broken. “You can toss those things around like toys, right?”

A heavy sigh is his response, as if my quip gave him a headache. I put the mug down, reaching for another. “You can wait outside. This won’t take long.”

“Getting rid ofBlow Me—I’m Hot?”

“Never.” I turn to find him a hell of a lot closer to me than expected. The smart-ass in me wants to point out that he did blow me, but I’m too afraid he’ll say I’m not hot and I have no comebacks for that. “I’m getting one for Mina. Early present.”

“Good idea.” Nic reaches across me to pick up a mug. I have to fight the urge to breathe in his leather and spice scent. He makes it worse by not moving away once he has the mug, his breath near my ear as he speaks. “Thoughtful of you, considering a few days ago you didn’t like her.”

“It wasn’t about her.” I keep my eyes on the mugs, heat creeping up my neck. “I don’t—”

“Excuse me, are you…?”

We both jump, spinning around. I’d forgotten we were out in public, caught up in my annoyance with him. Nic’s hat is stuffed in his coat pocket, his scarf loose and away from his face.

“He is!” A smaller voice, a kid. A family of five stands there, gaping at Nic. Starstruck.

The scowl melts off Nic’s face, replaced with an easy smile and softer, engaging eyes. His entire body loosens in a way I’ve never seen before. He’s not relaxed. He’s not even…Nic.

Huh. He’s acting.

This is weird, so I slip back as the family eagerly peppers him with questions and gushes at him. The two teenagers correctly determine I’m no one famous, but the parents don’t look as sure, their eyes flickering to me from time to time.

Phones come out. It’s selfie time and everyone gets a turn.

I go back to looking at mugs, but my focus is on Nic’s laugh and easy banter. I think I prefer silent and surly Nic.

“Can we get a photo of you and your…girlfriend?”

I snort, clapping a hand over my mouth.

Some of the goodwill disappears from Nic’s face as he adjusts his scarf. “She’s a family friend. Let’s not.”

Is he too embarrassed to be photographed in public with me? Afraid people will think we’re dating? I know I’m no Addison, but ouch.

That’s probably what he wants, isn’t it? Another Addison, but more faithful.

“He’s a great Warwick, isn’t he?” the father asks me. They’re still looking at me like they’re trying to place me. The longer we stay here the higher the chance they realize I look a little like my mother.

Nic’s eyes meet mine.

I grin. “I liked him best inSummer Camp.”
