Page 49 of Holiday Vibes

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“Oh, hey Nic. Didn’t see you.” Scotty hesitates, gives a weak smile, and turns toward Amanda on his other side. Nic doesn’t move his hand. He’s still staring at Scotty.

Fucking cavemen.

I push his hand away. It falls from my neck, only to return to my ass. I glare at him, he blinks frozen steam from his ridiculous lashes and stares back, all innocence. He’s enjoying himself, the prick.

The uncomfortable tingle between my legs needs to die because I don’t want to enjoy this. Reaching past him for my drink allows me to get close enough to whisper, “Off my ass too.” While I take a long drink, Nic removes his hand, skating it up my spine. When it breaches the water, he rests his whole arm on the edge of the hot tub behind me, ensuring I can’t lean back without tucking myself under it.

I down the rest of the fruity hell in a red solo cup and silently curse him.

What the hell is wrong with this man? He has no right to get all territorial and besides, I would never consider any of my brother’s old friends as potential one-night stands. I went to high school with these losers too. The stunt guys I don’t know but I assume they’re all exactly like my brother. I’m not interested.

No, the only company I want tonight is the old, soft, squishy plush unicorn toy from my childhood. Roxy cuddles are the best cuddles—and Roxy never pushes me away, even when I leave her under a pile of laundry.

Nic’s leg bumps against mine and stays.

For someone who did his damned best to make sure I knew I was nothing more than a quick lay, he’s doing a hell of a lot to undermine that. Does he think he’s getting another chance? Was that what he wanted to talk about in the butler’s pantry?


I am not jumping back on his dick because he’s horny again, even if some parts of me want to give him multiple chances as long as parts of him give me multiple orgasms.

His thigh rubs against mine and I get a little lightheaded. All this not-so-innocent touching under the water is threatening to break my resolve.

The initial excitement the party crashers caused dies into normal conversation. Well, as normal as possible for a large hot tub crammed with drunks. The occasional awkward silence hangs in the steamy air as different conversations come to a natural end at the same time. It has a dampening effect. I stifle a yawn. The booze, the heat of the water, the rollercoaster that is this situation with Nic, all of it makes for one hell of a day. I should go to bed and sleep it off.

“Round three!” Mina stands on her seat, stunning in her royal blue bikini as steam rises off her body, collecting into frost on her pink dick tiara. Timothy gazes at her, pure worship on his face as she holds a wire basket of Ping-Pong balls on high.

An Everything look. I want a man to look at me like I’m his entire world, not just his next five minutes. Is it too much to ask?

Next to me, Nic’s head tips up to the dark sky, his mouth soundlessly forming the wordfuck. I try not to laugh. He hates all the games forced upon him, yet he keeps coming back. Masochist.

“Don’t let the Ping-Pong balls touch you!” Mina’s voice fills the sheltered space, rising over the bubbling of jets. “If a white one touches you, you’re rolling in the snow for ten seconds. A blue one means you slam your drink. A red one, now that we have you boys, means you kiss the nearest nonrelative. And a green one—I decide your fate. If you miss the basket when you toss your ball back in, you get another drink. Got it?”

Wait. Kiss? That wasn’t a part of the game. Red is supposed to be truth and green is supposed to be dare. Crap. Mina’s gone rogue.

She grins at me and plunges the basket upside down into the water, quickly getting out of the way as she releases the Ping-Pong balls to the excited screams of her friends. Blue and white make up the majority, with a few reds and one green floating around. Most people will be getting drunk and cold.

“Feet on the bottom!” Mina yells out as Danny, one of Timothy’s stunt buddies, tries to splash a white Ping-Pong ball away with a massive foot.

I snatch the blue one that bobs into me. They’re harder to see in the dark than the others, but definitely the best option. Downing my drink, I stand to take the shot at the basket. I miss by a good eight inches, drawing a shout from Mina. With a sigh, I turn around to refill my cup from one of the pitchers ringing the tub. Fruity bubbles slide across my tongue as I drain it.

She’s trying to kill me. All day she’s been watching me, especially anytime Nic’s around. Making me go downstairs to get that champagne was a setup. Did I use the opportunity to torture Nic a bit? Of course. I’m a petty bitch. But Mina’s up to something.

Nic is watching me, gray eyes hazy. It must be the booze or a trick of the Christmas lights overhead. He should be staring at my tits, inches from his face in this ridiculous bikini, but his hungry gaze is locked on mine, feeling a lot more like an Everything look than a Five Minute look.

“Fontana!” Mina’s up and pointing, startling us out of the moment. “Roll in the snow—ten seconds!”

Nic frowns at the white ball bobbing in the water against his chest. With a sigh, he gets to his feet. I sink up to my neck into the water to hide.

Mina nudges the basket. Nic’s ball misses by an inch. “And a drink!”

He shoots her a glare and climbs out, his body steaming against the cold night air. I gape at the sight of black boxer briefs dragging low on his hips, the fabric sucked tight against an obvious semi. He ignores it, not a trace of embarrassment on his face as he walks with determination, sleek and dripping, stalking the snowbank.

I am jealous of a snowbank and that’s a new personal low.

He rolls in the snow like a warrior while everyone counts down from ten. I watch, open-mouthed, oblivious to the danger of the other Ping-Pong balls or of anyone catching me ogling the man I can’t stand. At zero he’s on his feet, shaking his arms and jumping a few times before walking back to the hot tub, his usually pale complexion gone rosy from the snow. He pauses, still standing outside, to demolish his beer and grab another, and all the while I can’t take my eyes off the thick outline of his dick. That semi is gone, but damn.

He reaches down to grip the edge of the hot tub and hops in with hardly a splash.
