Page 52 of Holiday Vibes

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I stare at him while my brain screamsthe nerve of this guy!

“Admit it.” A smug grin replaces his frown and my traitor body goes a little weak. “You want me. Again.” He leans forward, his voice dropping. “We could spend the holiday finding out all the ways we could be good together.”

“I have a suitcase full of sex toys that can give meverygood without making me feel like shit. Nice try.”

His eyes darken. “Bring them over to my room, and I’ll make it up to you.”

Christ. No. Absolutely not. I back to the door, groping for the handle. “Good night, Nic.” I close the door on him and suppress the urge to let out a frustrated scream because I don’t want him to know how he’s getting to me. Diving into bed, I bury my face in my pillow and groan.

The arrogance of this guy. Like I’d want to subject myself to his rejection—again!—once he comes, his horny goggles fall off, and I go back to being his mistake.

Fool me once. Twice, in my case. Or is it three times? I’m too revved up to count and thinking about the laundry room and the shower is turning me into a mess of sexual frustration. Even the kiss in the snow fort gives me too much fuel for fantasies.

I throw my pillow onto the floor, rolling onto my back.

Is he in his bed, imagining the same, my name on his lips as he gets himself off? The image my brain conjures up has me clenching my thighs.

I do want him.

It’s wrong and maybe that’s the appeal. Nic’s the forbidden fruit, my brother’s best friend, and someone my family adores. He’s the Sexiest Man in America and I don’t have access to this caliber of hotness.

Whatever it is, I want to ride Dominic Fontana and I accept that about myself. I’ll look into twelve-step programs later. Now I need to decide what I’m going to do about it.

If I’m forced to admit it, and I’ll never admit it out loud, I have these feelings for him that are warm, nebulous, and confusing. They’ve always been there, waxing and waning depending on how big a dick he’s being. Or how big a dick I’m being, since he’s not holding up this feud on his own. If I do this, I’ll have to leave those feelings at the door so I don’t get hurt. Pretty sure I can do that.

My family can’t find out, and this is the big problem. I’m not sure if they’d be happy about us hooking up or not, but things would be awkward. I’d be in deep shit if I hurt him, and if he hurt me…I doubt my family would turn their backs on him, but Nic might walk away from all of us, and we’re the only family he’s got.

But a week of good sex, no strings attached, and a whole year before I have to see him again?

I throw back the covers, swinging my feet out of bed. Good dick on tap is worth the risk. Besides, it’s not like I’m in love with the prick or anything.

Knocking softly, I push his bedroom door open. It’s dark and I swear to god if he turns me down because he wants to sleep, I’ll smother him with a pillow. “Nic?”

Blankets rustle and I blink when he flicks on the bedside lamp. He sits up, wide awake and possibly naked, hopefully naked, looking smug as hell. Like he spoke sex into happening.

Dammit, he might have.

“I’m in,” I say, because no way am I admitting I want himto him. The man’s ego is big enough.

He scoots over, pulling the blankets back for me to climb in next to him. Not enough to tell me if he is naked. But he totally is.

“What isthis?” I ask, sitting on his bed so we’re thigh to hip instead, motioning between us.

Nic runs a hand through his hair as he thinks about it. “Friends with benefits?”

I’m already shaking my head. “We aren’t friends. Enemies with benefits?”

“Are we enemies?” he asks softly.

I don’t know how to answer that. “Fuck foes?”

With a laugh, he reaches for me, one hand sliding down to the small of my back, the other cupping my cheek. “I don’t care what you call it. I want you.”

Warmth spreads through me from his touch, but when he tries to draw me closer, I stop him with a hand on his chest. “This is just a holiday sex-capade, right?” I press. “It’s over when we leave, but for the next week we have as much sex as we can?”

His thumb brushes over my cheek, his smile fading into something hungry. “Yeah. That okay?”

“It’s perfect.” My hands slide up his chest and back down and the feel of him, all hard muscle and smooth skin with a light dusting of hair is sexy as hell. “I’m not interested in a relationship with you.”
