Page 58 of Holiday Vibes

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We’ve reached the altar, so we separate. Timothy slaps Nic on the shoulder and leans close to whisper something in his ear. Nic’s face goes red. When Timothy jabs two fingers at his eyes and flicks them to me, I nonchalantly use my bouquet to hide my middle finger from the guests.

The music swells and everyone turns.

Mina steps into the room and Timothy’s eyes go all starry, the smile on his face dopey as she makes her way to him. Because he’s Timothy, he can’t wait. He jogs to meet her halfway like he’s pulled by a magnet to her. He whispers something in her ear that makes her laugh before escorting her the rest of the way to the altar.

Their vows are beautiful and funny and heartfelt and I spend half the ceremony blinking back tears. My mother has a tissue pressed to her nose, but I can see her smile and the way she leans against my dad.

I sneak as many looks at Nic as I think I can get away with and our eyes meet often enough I suspect he’s doing the same. Honestly, I can’t help it. He looks too damn good in that suit.

The officiant pronounces Timothy and Mina man and wife and the entire room cheers as he sweeps her into a kiss. They come back up with wide smiles and shining eyes, then Timothy grabs her hand and they run down the aisle laughing.

Nic offers me his arm. I take it, hoping he doesn’t notice the tremble in my hand. He escorts me down the aisle and I smile brightly for the photographer and the guests, but all I can think about is Nic.

“Think anyone would notice if we disappeared for five minutes?” he whispers in my ear when we exit the chapel.

I slap his arm, but I’m looking around and wondering if we could get away with ten when the photographer corners us. As the guests head to the Crystal Ballroom and an open bar, we’re ushered back into the chapel with the rest of the bridal party and family for photos.

Since Timothy and Mina have disappeared, the photographer takes extra photos of the rest of us and Nic uses the excuse of us being packed together like sardines to get handsy. I take every opportunity I can to innocently brush against his dick. By the time Timothy and Mina join us, I’m certain they’ll notice the frenetic need-to-fuck energy between us. But they don’t. They’re happily disheveled and wrapped up in each other. Nic and I could make out on top of the altar and neither would see.

Everyone else would though. Something I’m reminded of when I catch my mother scrutinizing us. We’re not in this picture, standing as far out of the way as we can, and Nic has his hand on my hip—hidden, I thought, by my bouquet.

I take a small step away from him and his hand drops. Sex will have to wait until the reception when sneaking away will be easy.

My mother’s waiting for us outside the ballroom, a fake smile plastered on her face. I try not to let my impatience show when she calls Nic over, but I can’t stop myself from following in hopes that this will be quick and we can sneak off after.

“Nic,” my mother says without a glance my way, “This is Simone. Your date. She’s a sous chef at Rodrigo’s.”

My jaw drops and I hastily clamp my mouth shut. Date?

Simone steps forward, offering her hand.

She’s gorgeous. Her dusky pink dress is old school glamour, her golden blonde hair falling in sleek waves down the exposed back. She’s petite, but otherwise, she looks a hell of a lot like Addison.

Nic glances over his shoulder at me, his lips barely moving in a quick ‘sorry.’ He takes Simone’s hand and says something that makes her laugh, a little tinkling bell sound. They walk into the reception together.

I stand, staring after him while the butterflies in my stomach rampage in anger and humiliation.

My mother finally acknowledges me, sweeping me into a hug. “Your date’s already at the bar.”


“I told you.” She huffs, taking my arm and leading me into the ballroom. “I believe you’ve already met him.”

Oh yeah. Turns out we’ve met all right. Celebrity chef Colton Craig turns at our approach. The flirtatious smile I remember is somehow oily now.

Colton Craig is a regret. A poor decision made during the worst week of my life. When I needed the distraction of no-strings sex five years ago, I was disappointed to discover the arrogant prick who could fillet a steak a million ways couldn’t find the clitoris to save his life.

I greet him because my mom’s still standing there, but the moment she walks away, satisfied with her horrible matchmaking skills, and the moment Colton starts undressing me with his eyes, I order a drink.

Chapter twenty



There’s no separate table for the bridal party. No seating chart at all. Everything is chaos because my twin is chaos and I guess Mina is along for that ride.

Colton sits beside me, critiquing the food. Aunt Kimberly is the only one listening, but only because she has a crush on him and watches his show every week. She can have him.
