Page 62 of Holiday Vibes

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“Let’s dance.” He says in what he must think is a sexy voice.

Another strike against continuing down the road of casual relationships—how much asshole behavior do I have to endure to be rewarded with the slim chance of an orgasm?

Far too many guys half-ass my pleasure if they even care at all.

Even when it was a one-off in the laundry room, Nic took the time to get me off first. He cared about my pleasure.

I need to stop thinking about Nic.

“One dance,” I say, slamming my empty glass on the bar. We’re on the dance floor before I realize the song is a slow one.

Worse, Nic and his date are gone. Off to some dark corner, no doubt. Something hot and sick twists in my stomach at the thought, everything roiling as Colton’s hands slip over my waist.

“I have a room in the hotel across the street,” he says, his hand drifting to my ass and squeezing.

“Not a chance,” I say, striving not to gag as I try to pull away from him.

His hold on me tightens. “Don’t be like that.”

“Get off me.” I snap. When he scoffs and doesn’t let me go, I shove him as hard as I can. The people closest to us stop and stare.

Colton shakes his head. “Come on, Jessie,” he says quietly, sounding disappointed in me. “We’ve had fun before.”

The reminder of that night makes my skin crawl. I turn, racing through the crowd, back to the safety of the ladies’ room, tears of anger burning my eyes.

I close myself in a stall and grab some toilet paper to dab at my eyes.

Fuck this guy. Colton, Nic, whoever. All of them. I’m over it.

Tonight, I will touch up my makeup, walk back out with my head high, hang around long enough for the cake, and go home. Alone.

I’ll cry after I wash my makeup off. Like the goddamned pro I am.

Chapter twenty-one


Iseeenoughofwhat goes down on the dance floor to cut Simone off mid-sentence.

Jessie, who only hurts with her words, shoved her date hard enough that he nearly fell. This means the creep deserved a slap at minimum.

“Excuse me,” I say to Simone, stepping back. My eyes are tracking Colton as he moves over toward the cake and I trip over Lexi, who winks at me before taking my place, introducing herself to Simone.

I catch Colton nibbling a cracker and some cheese from a nearby platter as he casts a critical eye over the five-tier wedding cake trailing white roses. I hate this man. Hate that I even know who he is. That he’s been in my spot next to her all night. I hate that five years ago, I watched her walk upstairs with him when he doesn’t deserve to touch her.

I grab his shoulder, roughly pulling him around. “You need to leave.”

He sneers at me, setting his half-eaten cracker on the tablecloth, far too close to the cheese platters, and looks me over. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I didn’t ask.” I tug at my sleeves, but they’re already rolled up. Colton’s bigger than me, and the only fights I’ve been in have been carefully choreographed, but a hell of a lot of training goes into throwing a convincing punch.

Colton laughs. “I’ll leave as soon as my date’s ready.”

That implication makes my fist clench. “She’s not leaving with you.”

He dismisses that with a shrug. “Go back to Simone, she’ll spread her legs for you.”

I grab his arm and push him toward the door, but he turns on me, shoving me hard. A round of gasps turns to silence as the DJ cuts the music. I collide into the table behind me, five tiers of cake rocking dangerously.
