Page 74 of Holiday Vibes

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Jessie jumps when I slide the door to the butler’s pantry open, her wide eyes upbraiding me as she chews the bite of pear cake.

“Hiding?” I ask, relief rushing out on a sigh.

She nods, setting her fork on the plate. The light in the pantry is dimmed to be unnoticeable from the kitchen, so when I close the door, it takes my eyes a moment to adjust.

I force a smile to my face. “I’d be hiding too if I were wearing that dress.”

She flips me off. I grab her hand and haul her close. Her lips taste like ginger and brown sugar. I can’t get enough. I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough and I’ve only got a week left.

Jessie hesitates, staring at the floor. “This thing with us…it’s just sex, right?”

“Right,” I say automatically, my mouth going dry. It can’t be more. This is already complicated enough. We’re already risking too much. I flaunted our no public touching rule with that kiss under the mistletoe. “I know it’s supposed to be our secret, but stay away from the mistletoe. These lips”—I brush my lips against hers—“are mine.”

She opens her mouth to protest, but I kiss her first.

It ignites something between us. Like we’re both desperate to cling to this lie about what we are to each other. Within seconds, we’re panting, trying to get as close as we can. I palm her breast, the velvet soft in my hand, and she moans. She presses her hips to mine and I hiss, then I’m lifting her, setting her on the small counter space, pulling up that ugly full skirt, and shoving aside her panties. Her hands are already reaching for my pants, undoing the button, and sliding down the zip. Her fork clatters to the floor and I shove the plate back to safety as my mouth continues to plunder hers. She wraps her hand around my cock and—

Voices. Moving closer.

Jessie pulls away from me, eyes wide in terror as she looks at the door. It stands open a couple of inches. I hadn’t closed it all the way—what the fuck was I thinking?

I wasn’t because I can’t think around her.

Somehow I get my cock in my pants and my phone out, wedging myself into the doorway, blocking Jessie from view. I hold up my hand in acknowledgment when I’m noticed and pretend I’m in the middle of an important phone call, closing the door for privacy as more people drift into the kitchen.

Jessie slaps her hand over her forehead. “What are you doing?” she hisses.

“Any lipstick on my face?” I whisper, horrified I didn’t think of that before going to the door.

She shakes her head, but reaches up and wipes at my ear.

“I’ll get you out of here.” I promise, giving her a quick kiss. “Be ready to sneak out.”

I ease myself out of the pantry, making a big deal out of pocketing my phone as I nod to the nearest guests.

The kitchen is full, and no one looks like they’re stopping in to top up a drink. Worse, Celia’s in the room, the odds that she’ll nip into the butler’s pantry to grab something going up by the second.

Desperate times.

“Hey,” I say in a quiet voice to Timothy. “I need a favor. No questions asked.”

His light brown eyes flick from me to the closed door of the butler’s pantry and he raises an eyebrow, the tiniest smile playing across his lips. “You were banging my sister in the pantry and need a distraction—caused by me, the master of distraction—so she can sneak out and you two can pretend we don’t all know?”

“No.” I answer way too fast, heat rising from my suddenly too-tight collar.

“Oh? Jessie’s not in here—” He grins as he turns, taking a step toward the door.

I grab his arm, stopping him. “We were talking, okay?”

He brushes my hand off with a laugh. “Sure. Talking.”

Shit, this is a mistake. I should’ve yelled ‘fire.’ “Will you help me or not?”

He smirks and claps his hands, his loud voice instantly quieting the room. “Listen up, everyone. This asshole—”

The look he shoots me steals the heat from my face. Timothy wouldn’t drop me in it, would he?

“—thinks that, because he can dosomeof his own stunts, he can land a better backflip in the snow than me.” Timothy’s grin widens. “Off the porch roof.”
