Page 94 of Holiday Vibes

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I grab the nearest throw pillow and smack him with it. He easily blocks it with his arm.

“You’re a dumbass,” I say, dropping the pillow onto the floor.

He nods. “Yeah. But so are you.”

I have nothing to say to that.

Timothy always has something to say though. “We both had a crush on him, but he had feelings for you. So I kept you two apart. Stirred shit between you. Made it impossible for him to ever ask you out.”

I want to hit him with the pillow again, but I can’t make myself reach for it. “Nic needed a friend. He was always going to choose you. I just wanted my best friend back.” I smack his arm. “That’s you, so you know.”

Timothy slings an arm around me and pulls me in for a side hug. “I’m a dumbass.”

I sigh. “Me too.”

“Maybe because we’re twins.”

“Mom’s fault.” I agree.

“One hundred percent.” He releases me. “I never tried to fix things between you and Nic. I had dozens of excuses—you two were adults and could figure it out yourselves, or it wasn’t my fault because I was young, or it didn’t matter because we were in LA and you were in New York. After Camden and Addison, I realized my selfishness messed up your lives. Then I nearly died and fixing things between you became something I needed to do. If I didn’t believe with all my heart that you two are perfect for each other, I’d have let it go. But I ruined something that could have made you both happy.”

“So,” I say when he falls into silence. “You forced him to come home for your wedding.”

He nods.

This time I make the effort to grab the pillow and I hit him full in the face. “We got together without your interference.”

That makes him smile. “Maybe. Or maybe I’m just that good.”

“You’re not.”

His head drops. “I’m not. But I do know he loves you and has for years. Hell, he broke you and Camden up.”

“And turned around and proposed to Addison.” It should piss me off, but the booze and all the crying have worn me out. “He doesn’t love me.”

“What did he say to you, that Thanksgiving?”

I rub my aching eyes. “He told me not to marry Camden.”

“Jessie”—he grabs my arm, a smile on his face—“he told you that.”

“He married Addison.”

Timothy’s excited now, latched onto this alternative universe he’s creating in his head. “He wouldn’t tell me what he told Camden, so I emailed him and—”

My jaw drops. “You emailed my ex?”

“Yeah. And Camden told me—”

“Timothy! You can’t email my ex out of the blue and ask him stuff like that! What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Jessie, you aren’t listening. Nic told Camden that he loved you, that he’d never stop loving you, and that he would end your marriage—”

“Yeah, that’s what you do when you love someone. You ruin their life.” Sarcasm drips from my voice.

“Did it ruin your life?”

“No.” Not the point.
