Page 101 of Murder

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November 6, 2015

“Hey, man.” I hold my phone against my ear and lean against the bathroom wall. “You probably won’t remember me, but you did a tat for me about three years ago.”

“Yeah, man. Sounds right. I’ve been here since ’09.”

“It was a snowflake.”


“A little snowflake on my neck, kind of near my hairline in the back.”

“I think I remember you. Real big guy? Dark hair?”

I nod, and blink into the mirror. “That was me.” In my line of work, it’s wise to assume you’re going to stick out. When you’re six-foot-three, you have to.

“So what can I help you with?” he asks.

“I was wondering if you drew it.”

“That snowflake?”


“I draw them all. So yeah. All my shit is custom.”

“You give them out a lot?” I ask.

“You got a problem, man?”

“No. No problem.” I inhale slowly, hoping to bring my voice up from where it goes down deep when I’m thinking hard about something. So I don’t sound pissed off. “I saw a girl the other day—same tat. I was wondering if that means she got it up in Breckenridge.”

“Exact same?”

“Yeah. You do the same snowflake on everybody?”

He hums, as if he’s thinking. “For a while I did. Last year I started doing another one, seven pointed, kind of artsy. Gotta keep it fresh.”

I exhale slowly. “Yeah. Well brother, thanks.”

“No problem. Nothing I can help you with?”

I laugh, as if I’m embarrassed. “Just chasing a girl.”

“Good luck, man.”

“Yeah. Thanks, dude.”

“Have a good one.”

“You too. Catch ya later.”

I hang up with Roy J. Bidd from High Altitudes Tattoo & Piercing and stare down at my phone.

So the tat we have is custom, sort of. He didn’t get it out of some tattoo artists’ stock art book. I couldn’t tell if it was identical, because I can’t see mine easily. But now I know it probably is. It doesn’t matter. Gwen won’t know.
