Page 144 of Murder

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He runs the water really hot the way I like it, then motions me in. I settle in the back so I can wrap myself around him and try not to gawk as he folds his breathtaking body into the small space in front of me. He looks so ridiculous, though, and I can’t help laughing. Barrett chuckles too, a rich, warm sound I love more every time I hear it.

I rub my damp hand over his shoulder tats, looking more closely at a small pile of spent bullets on his right shoulder blade. Out of one of the shells, a flower sprouts; it’s a gardenia. My fingers are wandering down his spine, over a few long coordinates etched vertically between his shoulder blades, when he leans back against me.

“You’re heavy,” I whisper into his curls.

He starts to sit up, but I grab his shoulders. “I like it.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he says, but he lets me press him back against me. It’s strangely pleasant to be under him like this. Makes me feel protected.

I drape my arm along his collarbone. “I know you don’t.”

I want to see his snowflake tat again, but with him leaning back, I can’t, so I decide to kiss it. I drag my lips along his hairline at the nape of his neck, sucking lightly, nibbling. With him lying on top of me, I feel every quiver of his muscles; I can hear and feel him let his breath out. I suck on him, and he moans, wrapping his right hand around my slightly raised knee.

When I reach the spot where I think his tattoo is, I bite. He chuckles as he arches his back. “Piglet…”

His voice cracks, and my body throbs.


I feel his left arm move and…God, he’s got his fist around his dick.

I kiss down his nape and nibble on the upper ridge of his shoulder. The muscle there is thick, and he tastes salty. I suck his skin into my mouth and find his nipple with my fingers.

I’m rewarded with a moan. “You better quit that, Piggy.” His voice is a delicious rasp I feel between my own legs.

“Or what, Bear?” I breathe my words against his skin.

He whirls around so fast I have no chance of escaping his snare. With his arms around my shoulders and his mouth on mine, he rasps, “Or I’ll huff…and I’ll puff…and I’ll blow your house down.”

I laugh into his blue eyes, and Barrett gives a wolfish grin.

I’m the one who blows him, as it were. Before I finish, he lifts me up onto the tub’s side, spreads my legs, and huffs and puffs until my hands are running through his hair and my legs are locked around his shoulders.

“You think that’s all?” I rasp, lowering my feet back into the warm water.

He gives me a handsome, almost shy smile, and shakes his head.

“Lay down.”

He does, and I ride him.

We come clutching each other and as Barrett sits up with me still on his lap, I’m struggling to keep my eyes open.

He nuzzles my cheek with his scratchy one.

“C’mon,” he murmurs, and grabs a towel from beside the tub, scooping me up in his arms before he gets out of the tub, wrapping me up first and balancing me against his wide chest as he tucks a towel around his waist. With a small half-smile—the shy, sweet one that seems to wreck my heart a little more each time I see it—he takes me to my bed and we lie down together.

I push my fingers through his wet hair and Barrett, curled around me, kisses my forehead. He’s rubbing my shoulder with his warm palm when I feel his body twitch. For once, he’s out before I am. I pull him closer to me, joyous at the miracle of our two bodies folded so sweetly together.

When, after a little while, my heart’s still soaring too high to sink into sleep, I gently disentangle from him and slip off the bed.



I’m going for my toothbrush when I see—

Is that a ring?
