Page 193 of Murder

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‘Blue is in D.C. now. With the G. Have him tracked if you don’t believe me. It wasn’t him, Bear. Thank you for the dream catcher, by the way. I keep forgetting to say so.’

‘That doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. You’re welcome.’

I blow on my numb fingers, then slide my glove back on and take aim one more time. The .38 is steadier in my right hand than it used to be. I hit the target this time. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

‘Why would he? We’re brothers, man. Remember that. You and me, we’re out now, but we’re still bros. We protect each other.’

I see the little bubble indicating Dove is typing, then he sends another message.

‘I’d think you would know that, Bear.’

Rage billows up inside me, followed quickly by remorse.

‘You know how Blue is. He’s scared of the fucking G.’ We try not to say General in text transmission, no matter how encrypted these messages are supposed to be. General Broomfield of all people can probably take a peek whenever he wants.

‘Blue’s still batting for you, brother.’

‘Bear…’ another message says. ‘His father’s guys know what you’re doing. He’s working his ass off to keep yours safe.’

I call right away, turning around toward my car, in the gun range parking lot, as if keeping my eyes on it will help me reach it faster. I start running. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“They watch you, Bear, like common fucking sense would dictate. You knew they might. We all knew.”

“What do you mean, smart ass? They watched me and what, Dove? Goddamn it!”

“They know that something’s going on with you and her,” he says quietly. “It’s like we thought it would be.”

“Meaning what?” I snarl as I throw my driver’s side door open.

“Meaning they’ve been eyeing both of you for the last week or so. Blue wanted to learn a little more before we told you. No one’s on you right now, Bear. They peeked in, botched that shit with Gwen that day, and left. Blue’s on it.”

“Blue is fucking on it. Like hell. FUCK!”

I hit the wheel so hard it groans and the airbag light starts flashing.

“Oh, fuck. Fuck, Dove. Do they think I told her?”

“They don’t know. Your correspondence with both me and Blue is being watched by more than one set of eyes. Blue told me that today. You should answer his calls, you know.”

“Is this why he was coming down this way?”

“He came and left, yes, a little while back. So he could tell anyone who asked that everything seems okay. I reassured him about it, too. So he could tell the G’s team things are safe. Tell me I’m not wrong, Bear.”

He’s not wrong. We’re all still safe.

“I can’t tell her,” I breathe. “I couldn’t. It would— It would…wreck things.” I laugh, desolate as fuck. “Dove.” I yank at my hair.

“It’s okay, dude. We’ve got you. Who would they send? Some contract fucker? Bart or Greene or Whissle from the SEALs?” He laughs. “Who would they send to take you out? That guy—the one who hurt your girl? It wasn’t Blue. It was probably one of them, just trying to sniff shit out and do a little data mining. If you don’t tell her, she’ll be safe. I don’t think the G would take a civvie out for no good reason. This is all just G keeping his asshole baby-fresh clean.”

I snort, even as my tires spin out on the dirt road that leads away from the gun range.

“Think of this, too. They won’t get your lady twice for data mining. That looks weird to the local oinkers.”

“True,” I breathe. “That’s true.”

We spec ops don’t want to draw the eyes of local law folks if we don’t have to. They tried to get information from Gwen once; they won’t try again.

“Blue’s ass is safe,” I say. “I hope the G’s guys know that. You guys fixed it up okay.” My throat tightens. A wave of heat moves through my cheeks, making my eyes feel hot.
