Page 207 of Murder

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I’m spooning him, but he turns around, onto his back, so he can get an arm around me.

“Scoot back over,” I scold. “Let me hold you. It makes me feel good,” I add softly.

He does, and I wrap myself around him.

“Do you want to skip tonight?”


“The party.” I play with his now-short hair.

“Do you want to?” He reaches behind himself, rubbing his palm over my hip.

“I don’t care. I’d probably vote ‘go,’ for Jamie. But I doubt she cares.”

“Then let’s go.”

He turns over on his stomach and pushes up on his arms, so he can look at me. His eyes are surprisingly soft.

“Do you want to talk? You haven’t...much.”

“About the accident?”

He nods.

I shake my head. “Not now. Maybe later tonight. I could tell you the whole story.”

He smiles sadly. “Okay, Pig.”



December 31, 2015

The gun is at the bottom of my duffle bag. If you pack them right, the airport scanners never know.

One of those job perks they can’t take away…

I didn’t want to bring the gun.

I hadn’t planned to.

Then Blue called.

Things have changed.

I take the gun out of the bag and unwrap it. Then I don my black costume. I say a silent prayer before I leave the bathroom, .38 strapped to the inside of my boot.


January 1, 2012

1:42 a.m.

“Oh my God, you’re Jessica! From End of Day!”

The girl’s brown eyes are huge in her freckled face. Her jaw drops in stunned elation, and I nod, casting my eyes down for just long enough to steel myself. I’ve had some practice with this sort of thing since EoD came out. It’s an indie film, and like a lot of good indies, it’s developed a bit of a cult following.
