Page 18 of Daddy's Girl

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And a year after that, we have our fourth baby boy.

They all have bright blue eyes just like their Daddy.

Dallas tells me he loves me a hundred times a day.

And we live happily ever after.

He’s on the hunt …

Jasmine has to walk through the woods every day to get home from school. She feels like she's being watched. And followed. She hopes it’s just her imagination.

It's not.

One day she’s kidnapped by a mountain man who has secretly been stalking and coveting her for weeks, since the very first moment he saw her.

The mountain man is huge, gruff and inhumanly strong. He takes Jasmine to a remote mountain cabin and keeps her as his captive, for his own twisted pleasure. And hers.

When Jasmine finally finds a chance to escape … will she take it? Or has she become too addicted to the things her mountain man can do?

**This book is totally taboo and extremely dirty. It contains explicit forbidden love scenes, adult language and possible triggers. For readers who enjoy very naughty OTT forced-pleasure romance and insanely possessive alphas, here’s a fun quickie guaranteed to ignite your kindle. 18+

“See you later, Jasmine,” my friend Emily says, walking away with her brother. Emily’s lucky to have an older brother. Someone to protect and her and look out for her when the big bad wolves come knocking.

Not that I have big bad wolves knocking. But I sometimes feel like someone’s watching me. I have to walk a mile through the woods every day to get to school, and a mile home again. At this time of the year, it’s getting dark by the time I get home, and today I’m running late. Daylight is already dimming and the sky is overcast.

My friend Paige is lucky. Her parents bought her a car. Sometimes she gives me a ride to the end of my road, but it’s out of her way, and today she has band practice.

I start walking towards my path through the woods.

It feels eerie, like it always does. Lately, my walk has felt even spookier than usual. Every day for the past week, I’ve had that prickly feeling I’m being watched.

I told myself I was imagining things, that it was just my fear getting the better of me. I never hear anyone. And I’ve never seen anyone.

But, still, more and more often, I’ve had the feeling that someone is hiding.

But I have no choice. I either have to walk through the woods or camp out at school tonight. My dad will already be half-drunk by this time of the late afternoon and my mom will be at bingo, probably. Or a bar.

I’m an only child. An afterthought, or not even a thought at all. I don’t have one of those families that people would envy. I can’t wait until I finish high school so I can get the hell out of Dodge. I’m going to travel the world, and live by the beach, maybe, so I don’t ever have to walk through the woods again as long as I live.

I walk deeper into the dark forest. I’m used to how spooky it is. It never gets less spooky. I try to hurry, but it’s dark and I don’t want to trip.

I’m about halfway when I get that feeling again.

The prickling awareness that someone is following me.

I look behind me, but I can’t see anyone. The darkness is murky.

But then I hear the snap of a twig.

My instincts reel with panic.

Someone’s here.

Someone’s getting closer.

I try to run, but before I can get very far, I trip over a root and fall to the ground.

And then, someone is on me. I feel the vice-grip of inhumanly strong arms, like a hug. I try to struggle but he’s far too forceful. I can smell him. Woodsmoke and autumn leaves and a hint of whiskey.
