Page 28 of Cupcake

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A moment later Anna followed suit and so did Cole, all three of them laughing hard as they wiped their chins. Only Tom’s remained untouched, and he shrugged as they all looked at him.

‘I never got invited to many parties, I’m afraid. The one’s I did go to largely involved playing Dungeons & Dragons. Didn’t really fancy shagging any one there.’

‘Well if I’d been there I would’ve fucked you,’ said Elsie, her eyebrows raised.

‘Elsie,’ admonished Anna with a wry grin. ‘If you could refrain from giving my husband fresh wanking material.’

She shrugged and winked, running her tongue quickly along the edge of her lip when her new friend wasn’t looking. ‘So what’s your story, Anna?’ she pried, grinning as she glanced back at Tom’s gobsmacked expression.

‘Cheeky bitch,’ she paused, building herself up. ‘His name was Raz. He had a leather jacket, drank whiskey from a hip flask and drove a Jag. I didn’t stand a chance. He fucked me over the dresser in the master bedroom of my best friend’s house.’

Tom’s eyes practically burst out of their sockets as Anna’s words tumbled from her mouth.

‘I can’t believe I just said that,’ she said, covering her mouth in shame. ‘You two are a bad influence. If my husband leaves me after tonight, I’m suing.’

‘Hey, we’re just asking the questions, we take no responsibility for the answers,’ said Elsie, shaking her head.

‘At this point I might start drinking to forget,’ laughed Tom.

‘Your turn, Anna,’ said Elsie, patting her friend on the thigh and then leaving her hand there, squeezing it gently.

‘Never have I ever…’ Anna paused as she looked slowly around the room, her eyes lingering on Elsie meaningfully, then she picked up her glass and held it near to her lips, ready to drink. ‘Had a secret crush.’

She downed her drink in one, keeping eye contact with her new friend the whole time and then took a deep breath and exhaled sharply as the alcohol hit her, her head swimming for a moment before she steadied herself.

Elsie giggled and then drank too, wiping her lips as she glanced at their husband’s empty glasses. ‘Ok, most recent crushes only. We’re not interested in who you fancied when you were thirteen.’

Cole laughed and leant forward. ‘I gotta be honest with you, sweetheart. I do have a little crush on your best friend.’

‘Alice? I am shocked,’ feigned Elsie. ’Shocked.’

Anna’s face was a picture. ‘The girl from the other day?’

Elsie grinned and blushed as Anna frowned, curiosity spreading across her brow, she could tell she wanted to know more.

‘Whilst we’re being honest,’ said Tom interrupting his wife’s thoughts. ‘Your sister is really hot.’

Anna turned and scowled at her husband, swatting his hand. ‘You suck. She’s eight years younger than me!’

‘And looks exactly like you did back then… What can I say?’ he laughed as Anna’s expression cracked and she too began to laugh.

‘Perkier tits as well,’ she nodded.

‘Don’t they get bigger after you have kids?’ said Elsie.

Anna grabbed hers in both palms and grinned. ‘They do and it’s awesome.’

Tom smiled in agreement and shrugged. ‘Pros and Cons.’

‘Well if you are going to be brutally honest, dear husband, then so am I,’ said Anna, turning her attention away from her husband and smiling mischievously. ‘My most recent crush is him,’ she said, pointing at Cole.

Elsie was part way through a sip of her soft drink as she heard this and burst out laughing, spraying the carpet and the back of her hand with fizz. ‘Oh wow. Really?’

Anna eyeballed Elsie’s husband as he sat back laughing and turned a deep shade of red. ‘Fuck yes,’ she said. ‘He’s a tall dark cup of handsome and I am fucking parched.’

Elsie hammered the floor with her hand as she laughed even harder, tears streaming down her face.

This might actually happen, she thought to herself for a moment. There was a pretty big chasm between flirting and fucking though. What she needed was a rope bridge.
