Page 42 of Cupcake

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‘Do you even know our last name?’

Elsie burst out laughing. ‘Oh shit, no I don’t.’

‘Mrs Summers,’ she smiled, holding out her hand and trying to hold back her laughter.

‘You’re kidding,’ said Elsie, blushing with incredulity. ‘Summers and Winters?’

Anna nodded. ‘Serendipity.’

Elsie lay her head down beside Anna’s, inches from her nose as she smiled at her.

‘So… last night, during the game. There was one question that I’m still curious about,’ said Elsie as Anna frowned. ‘Specifically one of Tom’s.’

‘What did I say?’ he said, frowning and turning, now somewhat recovered.

Elsie grinned as she rolled and flattened her naked body across him, delving into her side drawer as her breasts pressed against his chest and arm, returning with something that none of them could see.

‘Never have I ever…’ she paused as a blush spread across her face, whispering the next part. ‘Had anal sex.’

Tom’s eyes widened and then Anna’s followed suit as Elsie produced a tiny bottle of lube from her palm.

‘Now?’ said Anna. ‘Right now?’

Elsie nodded and shrugged as Cole swung his legs out of the bed, opening the curtains and looking out into the garden.

‘You don’t have to be home until mid morning,’ she glanced at the clock. ’That gives us three hours.’

‘It might be a bit more than that,’ said Cole, turning back from the view. ‘Look’s we might all be snowed in.’

Anna’s face was a picture as she looked between them, the trepidation in her expression giving way to curiosity and then excitement as she considered the idea, a half grin settling across her cheeks as her chest flushed with taboo.

‘Who first?’ she said softly.

‘I was thinking you, and then… we swap. I mean, Tom’s had his way with every other part of me…’

Anna’s husband’s eyes almost burst out of his sockets as he heard this, his soft wet cock hardening again almost immediately.

‘Ok,’ she said, smiling and nodding with excitement. ‘Where do you want me?’

‘Lay down,’ Elsie nibbled her bottom lip and squirted some of the lube onto her fingers as Anna’s eyes grew wide. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up as her friend lay down, then she passed the bottle to Cole, watching as he walked round from the window and up behind her.

Elsie leaned forward, sliding her finger gently between Anna’s cheeks as Tom watched unblinking, then she grinned as her girl gasped.

‘Be gentle,’ she said, looking at her husband in the morning light.

‘We will,’ said Elsie, grinning as she slowly pushed inside.

Anna gasped… and Elsie smiled.

