Page 47 of Covert Tactics

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Jesus, he felt like a schoolboy with his first girl. But he wanted her to see it all—his secrets, his lust for her—so he stood naked and afraid—okay, maybe he was a bit terrified—in front of her. “I want you to be sure you’re here for the right reasons, Amelia. That you want this—me—with your whole heart and body.”

Her eyes, dark pools in the shadows, fell to his erection, and she grinned wickedly. “Trust me, I absolutely want this. I want you.”

She reached for him then, her warm fingers wrapping around him and he was the one to gasp this time. She tugged him closer, and he leaned down, meeting the lips she turned up to him.

The kiss was sweet and raw and full of hunger. It left him breathless, and her hand, still gripping his cock, began to move.

It all felt so right.Shefelt right. She hadn’t been horrified by his body, she wanted to be in his bed.

He tried to think straight, found it impossible. His fingers traveled through her hair and down her neck. He moved onto the mattress on his knees. Her hand increased its rhythm and he wasn’t going to need the condom if she kept that up.

Encircling her wrist with his hand, he removed her grip from his cock, then skimmed her ribs, cupped her breast. At his touch, she sighed into his mouth, as if giving him complete and utter control to do whatever he wanted.

He hated himself for stopping that exquisite rhythm of hers, but needed to slow things down. He shifted her so she was under him, and with skilled hands, she removed the condom from the pack and rolled it onto his cock, his groan catching low in his throat.

His mouth claimed hers again, and the smoldering between them erupted into flames. Careful of her injuries, he made sure she was comfortable as she spread her legs and he made his way to her breasts. She smelled like the sea, wild and free, with that layer of lilacs, and he wanted to touch and kiss every inch of her.

Her urgent hands gripped his shoulders, and she drew him up so their mouths met again, fierce, urgent. “Please,” she whispered against his lips. “I need you, now.”

He stole his fingers down to the apex between her thighs, his thumb finding the sensitive spot there and causing her to arch. She was indeed wet and ready, and he slipped two inside her. She moaned, deeper this time, and arched even more as he trailed his lips over her neck, whispering all the things he wanted to do to her.

Her nails dug into his back and she widened her legs. “Stop teasing,” she ordered. “Get yourself inside me.”

Fuck. Just hearing her say it made him nearly climax. He removed his hand from her and palmed himself, guiding the tip of his cock to its destination.

Her hips jerked, sliding up to take him in all the way. His breath hissed out of him and she met his gaze, hers unadulterated, shining with power that she could affect him so.

Turnabout was fair play. Pinning her hands, he smiled into those eyes he loved. “I haven’t been with anyone in a long time,” he admitted, “but I’ll do my best to make you scream my name. To make you happy and satisfy you.”

He’d meant it to be a promise, but she saw through the worry still ghosting his words. “You already have,” she said.

It was too much. All of it. He kissed her hard, rode her the same, and loved that she gave it all right back to him.

Luckily, he wasn’t the only one who was near the limit of what his body could take. Moving with him, stroke for stroke, she caught his bottom lip with her teeth, released it, then murmured, “I can’t…hold off…any longer.”

Good. That’s all he needed to hear. “Come for me, Amelia,” he commanded, staring at her. He wanted to see her face when she came, see into her soul.

“Only…if…you…oh,god.” Panting hard, her muscles tightened around him like the most delicious of vises. “Come…with…me, Rory!”

Her orgasm struck, her body arching off his bed as he drove himself into her, his own release pumping out of him. Together, they fell off the cliff of joy and pain, love and lust, all mixed together in their hearts and bodies.


Two hours later

“Here’s what we know.”Beatrice paced from the far end of the conference room to the screen. She pointed to the picture on it. “This man is the alleged leader of an international child abduction ring that has operated since 9/11 across Europe and into North Africa. He started small, but in the past two decades, his targets became those from the top wealthy families in the world.”

“Which guarantees him and his crew some very healthy payouts,” Moe added. “They only strike every few years, we assume when their funds run low.”

Beatrice nodded and went to the next screen. “Interpol arrested these two about seven years ago in an unrelated bust. The FBI believes they have since been replaced by new members, and no matter what they’ve offered them, they will not give up their cohorts.”

Rory and Amelia sat close to each other, their hands and shoulders touching. Rory studied the screen. “Kidnapping? That’s what this is about?”

Amelia fidgeted in the chair, causing it to squeak. She switched her attention between him and Beatrice. “I don’t understand. What does this have to do with my dad? With the photos on that USB?”

“We’re getting to that.” Beatrice clicked the remote and the screen switched to the next set of photos. “These are the children they managed to abduct and hold for ransom over the past two decades. The group, nicknamed the Concordia Kidnappers, is highly effective at what they do as well as avoiding capture. We believe the ringleader is Antoni Novak.”

“Novak?” Rory frowned. “The jewelry thief?”
