Page 12 of All Of My Sundays

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“There’s only one bed, Sophia, and I can’t see you sharing the bed with me while we leave poor Ally on the couch now,” Isay, my heart racing as more words escape my mouth before I can stop them.

Again, she blushes as she averts her gaze and shakes her head. I let out a laugh because I wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with her, even if it was only to sleep and have her in my space, I can tell that’s not what she wants.

“Follow me,” I say, as I lead her down to my room. I’ve left the door open, so I manage to gently kick it with my foot and step into my space. Again, I thank my lucky stars I made the bed this morning and changed the sheets. “You wanna pull the sheets back for me?” I ask her, which has her hurrying over to help me.

She pulls one side of the white bedspread back and I gently lower Ally, keeping her dress tucked under her. Sophia sits on the side of the bed and starts removing Ally’s cowboy boots. The whole time Ally remains unaware of what’s going on. She places Ally’s shoes neatly on the carpeted floor at the end of my king size bed.

“How likely is it that she’ll puke?” I ask, suddenly aware of my carpet.

“She has an iron stomach. She never pukes,” she says, standing and placing the covers back over Ally.

I want to spend some time with Sophia to catch up so before she can say she’s going to sleep too I blurt, “Do you wanna join me for a drink?”

“Sure,” she says, without any hesitation. She follows me out of the room, gently shutting the door behind her. I lead her to my kitchen where she takes a seat at my breakfast bar while I search through my liquor cabinet.

“What do you feel like drinking?” I ask over my shoulder, as I take note of our options.

“Do you have any tequila?”

Chuckling, I reach for the bottle at the back of my collection and pull two shot glasses out of my set as well.

“Are you trying to give us both hangovers?” I ask, with laughter in my voice.

“Don’t they say everything is better with tequila?” she asks, as I place the bottle and glasses down in front of her.

I turn my back on her to open the fridge, retrieving a lemon, along with a sharp knife from the block.

“And who are they?” I ask, a smile in my voice.

“I don’t know. Someone must,” she says, laughing to herself.

I shake my head as I slice the lemon up and place the pieces on a saucer. I flick open another cupboard grabbing my saltshaker. Filling the two shot glasses to the brim I pick up the salt and lick a line across the back of my hand, before shaking the salt on to it. I slide the salt across the marble bench to her which she catches. I watch as her tongue peeks out, swiping a line across her skin before she sprinkles the salt on her own hand.

We each grab a shot as I say, “Here’s to everything being better with tequila,” which has her throwing her head back in laughter.

“Cheers,” she says, clinking her glass with mine after she’s collected herself. We both lick the salt, shoot the tequila back and grab a lemon slice in sync. Sucking on the lemons, we both smile at each other showing our lemon skin smiles hiding our teeth which makes our smiles grow.

“So, what brings you to this side of town?” I ask, peeling the lemon from my mouth and dropping it onto another saucer I grab from the cupboard. She follows suit.

“Ally was trying to get me to let loose and have some fun. We'd always wanted to try line dancing and heard this was the best place.”

“Let loose from parents or partners?”

“Ugh am I that transparent?” she asks, dropping her face into her hands.

No, she's not transparent at all I want to say, I was only trying to dig up info and see if she had a partner or not.

“Which one is it?”

“Partner…. well ex-partner now. He was cheating on me, and I found out a few days ago.” Her voice shakes with the confession, her pain leaking out.

“Well, he's gotta be the dumbest idiot on the planet to cheat on you,” I tell her, locking my eyes with hers, hoping she hears the sincerity in my voice.

“I think I get the trophy for dumbest idiot on the planet because I didn’t see the signs,” she sighs.

“How long were you two together?”

“Just a little under two years. But I found out he’d been cheating on me for a good year,” she confesses.
