Page 23 of All Of My Sundays

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“Yeah, but which one looks like the best proposal suit?”

“How would I know? Isn’t a suit just a suit?”

“It’s gotta be perfect man,” I say, as I turn back around to face the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

“I think you’re making it weird. In fact, I think this whole thing is dead set crazy but because I’m a good best friend, no scratch that, an amazing best friend, I’m telling you to wear thefirst grey suit you tried on. It made your butt look great,” Niko says, his brows lifting as a smile appears on his face.

“Why on earth are you checking out my butt?” I laugh.

“Didn’t you know girls like tight buns on a man? If you wear the grey suit and showcase your umm assets, then I’m sure she will say yes. Well, if she’s as crazy as you are, then she’ll say yes but that suit will help sweeten the deal,” he says, shrugging his shoulders my way.

“Grey suit it is then,” I agree, choosing to ignore all his crazy comments. “What are you gonna wear?” I ask.

“Wear where?”

“Wear to the party. You’re gonna be my wingman, aren’t you?” I say, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

“Ugh okay okay. I’m sure there will be other girls for me to hit on while you propose to the girl of your dreams,” he relents.

“Thanks bud. I couldn’t do this without you. I’ll pay for this and then the next stop is ring shopping,” I tell him.

“Oh man Renz. A ring? Really?”

“I can’t propose without a ring. It will make me look like I’m not serious. I need Sophia and her father to take this very seriously,” I tell him.

“Maybe you should. You know in case she says no. It will save you money in case it doesn't work out.”

“You doubt my skills that much? I don’t want to ask her in some lame, half-assed attempt. I can’t go in there thinking she might say no. If I start doubting myself then I have already lost half the battle.”

“Shall I ring all this up for you sir?” the sales assistant asks, halting our conversation.

“Yes please. That would be great,” I say, offering a genuine smile. He gathers up the grey suit we decided on and heads to the sales desk while I turn back to Niko.

“I know you think I’m crazy and this whole idea is a bit bonkers but if you had the girl of your dreams within your grasp, would you not take a giant leap of faith and hope you don’t crash and burn?”

Releasing a breath Niko replies, “Okay. I’ll try to be more supportive.”

“Thanks. If you ever get crazy over a girl, I promise to bust your balls over it as payback. It’s only fair,” I say, slapping him on the back.

Laughing he says, “I guess we will be needing a ring then.”

After paying for my suit, we walk through the shopping mall until we locate the local jewellers. Before I enter the store Niko grabs my arm, halting me. I raise my brow in question before he winces.

“I’m being supportive, I promise. A word of advice. Don’t spend thousands on a ring please. If it all works out, you can always come back and buy her a fancier ring later.”

I pause for a minute considering what he’s saying. I know my friend is only looking out for me and I want him on side with this plan so to ease his worries I agree.

“Yeah okay. I won’t go crazy,” I tell him. If this plan works and she does marry me she can choose whatever she wants, the sky’s the limit. Knowing what I know about Sophia though, I doubt she’d want something ostentatious, so Niko has nothing to worry about.

“Come on then. Let's get this over with,” Niko says, pushing the door open and holding it for me to walk through. Glancing around, I notice the three staff who work here are all busy with customers, so I decide to browse through the see-through cases instead. Looking at what they have to offer, something might jump out at me. I’ve never contemplated buying a ring in my life. I’ve never bought any type of jewellery for a woman before so this whole experience is a bit daunting.

“Over here,” Niko calls, from a couple of cases down.

I walk over to him and look in the direction he’s pointing. Rows of different rings stare back at me. There are gold ones, silver ones, diamond ones and rings with coloured gems. Taking my time, I start at the top row and work my way along, studying each ring and asking myself if it’s something I think Sophia would like. After about the twentieth ring, I start to lose hope I will find anything that calls to me. Shouldn’t there be like a magic moment where the ring jumps out at me and I think ‘aha, this is the perfect ring, destined to sit forever on her finger’?

“Why do there have to be so many choices?” Niko whispers to me, as if reading my mind.

“Tell me about it. None of these rings are calling to me either.”
