Page 25 of All Of My Sundays

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“You’ve got this boss,” Niko says, with a hint of a smile on his face. He knows my nerves are getting to me.

I think that’s why he isn’t voicing his doubts about my crazy plan anymore.

Once in his car, he winds the windows down as soon as the car starts. We drive in silence to the fanciest hotel in town. It has a big ballroom situated in it which is the destination for tonight’s festivities. As we pull up, the valet takes Niko’s keys so we can head in without worrying about having to find a carpark.

“Where is everyone?” Niko asks. It’s at that moment I take in my surroundings and realise we are the only two around. I check my watch on my wrist and see we are about twenty minutes late. I thought people would be waltzing in at all times of the night but that isn’t the case.

“I’m guessing the party has already started,” I tell him, as we make our way through the foyer, following a sign that says Sophia Philips thirtieth birthday. At least I know we are in the right place. Two huge security guards stand on either side of the double doors. Niko hands over our tickets he grabbed from the car. Luckily, he did as I’d forgotten all about them.

“Did you two forget it’s a masquerade party?” One of the guards says, and my heart sinks as I did in fact forget. He must see the wince on my face, so he points to a box behind his friend on a small table off to the side. “You’ve got to wear a mask to enter. You can grab one of those each and then you’re good to go,” he tells us.

We step around his friend and inspect the contents of the box. All sorts of different masks fill it to the brim. Niko and I try on a few, laughing at how they look on each other before he settles on a green one.

“Wear that one,” Niko says, pointing to the one in my hands I’d picked up.

“You don’t reckon it’s too much?”

“Nah it covers more of your face. That way you can observe her before she realises it’s you,” he tells me.

“Good idea,” I say. Taking the cool metal mask, I place it on my face, and it fits perfectly.

“It’s fitting really with all your talk about grabbing horns and holding on,” Niko says, which has me reaching up and stroking the horns of the bull atop my head.

“You sure it’s not too much?”

“Nah. Come on, seize the day. Now quit stalling and get a move on,” Niko says, as he places the green lace mask across his eyes and ties the ribbon at the back of his head.

“I already feel claustrophobic,” I tell him.

“It’ll all be worth it if you get the girl, right? Just try not to faint,” he laughs, as we turn back to the security guards. Giving us a nod, they let us through the doors into the darkened ballroom. The lights are dimmed so low it’s hard to make out any of the people filling the large space. Light chatter fills the air. “What’s the point of the masks if we can’t see anyone anyway?” Niko whispers from my right.

“Well, I won’t be able to find Sophia if it’s like this the whole night,” I tell him.


“Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,” Holden’s voice cuts off whatever Niko was about to say. “I bet you’re wondering what is going on tonight. As you know it’s my darling daughter’s thirtieth birthday.” The lights still haven’t come on so we’re all standing in the dark, facing in the direction of where Holden’s voice is coming from.

“My wife and I wanted to do something different for Sophia’s birthday. I know it’s a masquerade party, but we’ve added a twist to it. You’ll see what I mean when the lights come on,” he says with a laugh. “Sophia didn’t want us making a big fuss but if you’ll bear with me and all join us in singing happy birthday to her before the lights come on, I think she’d really appreciate it.”

The off-tune crowd starts belting out happy birthday, so Niko and I join in with them. I strain my eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the people around me but it’s no use. The heat inside my mask added on top of the darkened room is not helping my feelings of claustrophobia. I can only hope the lights will come on soon. Cheers and clapping start as the singing finishes.

“I guess this is what he meant by finding a needle in a haystack,” Niko’s voice sounds from beside me.

I’m about to reply when Holden’s voice comes over the microphone again.

“Thank you everyone. Now please enjoy the rest of your night at our masquerade ball with a twist.” Holden’s voice bounces off the walls, as the bright lights flash on and I’m blinded for a second, as is everyone else around me. As my eyes adjust, laughter rings out and I notice what everyone else does too.

“I think this is the haystack he was talking about,” I tell Niko, as my eyes bounce around from woman to woman. All dressed in different types of black gowns, all with long black hair that runs down their backs. Obviously, some are wigs and they all wear different types of masquerade masks concealing their faces. Niko’s laughter booms next to me.

“Oh, mate well isn’t the mayor a right old cunt then.”

“Too right he is,” I fume. I thought I had it easy. With Sophia’s hair being so distinct, I thought I would notice her easily in any crowd. I’m starting to doubt my abilities and my whole crazy plan.

“How the hell am I supposed to find his daughter now?” I hear a man say. He's wearing a black suit and a white mask, similar to the outfit worn by the phantom of the opera and is standing a few feet away from me.

“There was no way he was going to make it easy for you,” I hear his friend reply.

“Let’s split up and try to find the stuck-up cow so I can get this proposal over with,” the white masked man says, before they part ways.
