Page 29 of All Of My Sundays

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“You can’t remove your mask or tell anyone your real name if they don’t know who you are,” I tell him. I see the exact moment he clicks.

“Ah, well you’re screwed then, aren’t ya.”

“Thanks for the boost of confidence mate.” I take a sip of my water, as the feel of sweat forms at my temples.

“You and I both know this was always a crazy plan. Right now, the odds are heavily stacked against you. Unless you can get your girl to accept a proposal from a stranger. No offence but from what you’ve told me about her, I don’t think she’s the type to go out on a crazy whim like that.”

“What do you think I should do then?” I ask. Running his hand over his beard in thought, he takes a minute before he responds.

Glancing my way, he lowers his voice, “You know I’ve known you a long time and I’ve never seen you want something as much as you want her. So, I say fuck it. Go all in and grab the bull by the horns or whatever it is you keep chanting at me,” he says, before knocking back his whole drink and slamming the glass on the bar. I stare at my best friend, my brain warring with my heart, before my heart decides.

“I can do this.” I take one last drink of my water before standing.

“Go get your girl,” he says, as he lands a smack on my back.

“Thanks man,” I reply, walking off in search of my future.

Chapter Fifteen


It doesn’t take me long to locate her now I know what mask to look for. Her red nails help a lot in my search too. She sits off to the side of the dance floor, seated at a table. Alone again. It makes my heart drop to think this party is supposed to be for her, but she seems to have spent the majority of it on her own. She sits there watching the people on the dance floor move, while she eats a slice of what I assume is her birthday cake. Watching her, she takes the tiniest bites like a taste is all she’s after and not wanting to eat the whole slice.

She barely eats half of it before placing her fork on the plate, eyes glued to the dancing bodies. I see my chance to get her attention again. I’m moving towards her before I can talkmyself out of it. Walking up beside her, she doesn’t see me until I’m right next to her then she turns her head my way.

“Little bird,” is all I say. I see the hint of a smile she tries hard to hold in.

“Well, if it isn’t the bull in a China shop.”

“Are you accusing me of being awkward or clumsy?” I ask, my brows pinching.

“Neither. You’re reckless and seem like you throw caution to the wind,” she replies.

I laugh lightly before replying, “I’ll take that.”

Her eyes move away from me and back to the dance floor.

“Dance with me?” Her eyes shoot back to me, a slight tug of her lips.

“First a drink and now a dance, isn’t someone being greedy?” she taunts.

“Something about you brings out that side of me. I’m usually the opposite. I’m very much a giver,” I tease, holding out my hand, hoping she will take it.

Her eyes drop to my outstretched hand before she places her soft fingers in mine. I close my warm hand around her delicate one, holding on tightly. I pull her to stand and lead her onto the dance floor.

Guiding her through the heated bodies, I spin and pull her body into me in one fast movement. I wrap my free hand around her waist and pull our joined hands behind my neck where I let go, leaving her hand there. She follows my lead, bringing her other hand up to wrap around my neck and I pull her closer. Swaying our bodies to the music, we don’t talk, just move. The first song finishes, and we still dance, neither of us letting the other go.

She breaks the silence between us saying, “I feel like you are trouble.”

“You have no idea,” I whisper in her ear.

“Can I ask you something?” I hear her faintly say over the music.


She locks her eyes with me, saying, “What brought you here tonight?”

I gulp, reach up and grab her hand and spin her out before bringing her back in flush against me. She laughs before I reply.
