Page 43 of All Of My Sundays

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“Yeah, I think so.”

She's about to grab her bags but I say, “I got it,” grabbing them instead and hoisting one over my shoulder. Her cheeks redden before she turns away, leading me out of her room. I follow her down the stairs.

She takes a sharp turn at the bottom of the stairs, heading a different direction to where we have been today. Entering another living room, her mum sits there looking through a stack of papers and pamphlets, her eyes glancing at us over the rim of her black reading glasses as we enter.

“I’m leaving with Lorenzo now,” Sophia says.

“That’s fine Sophia. I need you back here on Friday. We need to go through the event for the Finlay’s charity and work out some details they would like changed.”

“Sure. Friday it is then,” she says.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Lorenzo. I hope to see you again soon,” she says, dropping her eyes back to her work in front of her.

“Same to you,” I say, feeling anything but pleasure. I got grilled by her during the meal and now she is acting as if it was nothing.

Sophia walks away so I follow again. She leads me through to a large internal garage that houses five impeccable looking cars. What I wouldn’t give to be able to look under the hood of these beauties.

The beep of the key fob draws my attention to the grey Audi at the end of the line, its lights flashing as the door unlocks. Sophia opens the boot for me to place her bags inside.

“Do you want to drive since you know where we’re going?” she asks, holding the keys up.

I smile as I take the keys, my fingers wrapping around hers as I look into her eyes for a second before letting her go. I slide into the driver’s side and Sophia tells me there’s a button for the garage on the keys as well. I slowly back the car out getting a feel for it, then close the garage.

Driving through the windy town streets, we hit the long highway that will take us to Cedarville.

“Have you been out to Cedarville much?” I ask, as we drive along, the soft music humming in the background.

“I think we came out here once as a child if I recall.”

“Have you ventured out of Spring Mountain often?” I ask, because from the sounds of it I don’t think she has.

Her hands twist on her lap before she answers.

“Not really. I went to college in another state and that was because I argued it had a better business programme compared to what the local college had to offer. If my parents had their way, I never would have left at all,” she sighs.

“Do you want to travel?” I ask, wanting to get to know her more.

“I was planning to go on an O.E but my parents kept holding me back from going.”

“We could go together on this O.E if you like?” I tell her, hating the fact her parents dictate so much of her life.

“You have your two jobs, Lorenzo. Wouldn’t it be hard to up and leave for a few months?” she asks.

“For you, I would make it work,” I tell her, reaching for her hand and holding on to it. “How about I make you a deal? You can pick anywhere you want to go for the honeymoon, no expense spared,” I say, wanting to make her happy.

“You don’t have to do that Lorenzo.”

“I want to. I could use a holiday too. I haven’t had one before. Since my gramps died, I’ve had to work and support myself, so I’ve never had the chance for a holiday,” I tell her.


“Yeah. Holidays weren’t a priority in my life. But we need a honeymoon to celebrate this crazy life we are about to embark on,” I tell her, laughing softly which she joins in with.

“I’ll get planning,” she says, squeezing my hand.

We spend the rest of the drive, asking each other questions and getting to know details about the other we didn’t already know. I realise her parents' control over her runs deeper than I ever could have imagined. I want her to be happy, but I also wonder if what I have to offer will be enough.

Chapter Nineteen
