Page 50 of All Of My Sundays

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Curtis discreetly tries to blow his nose, but he can’t hide it, and we all laugh.

“Okay enough of that, have we got rings?” he asks, and my eyes widen as we didn’t have time for that.

“Umm, we didn’t think of rings,” I say, but Niko jumps in to help.

“I’ve got this one you guys can use,” he says, as he twists off the black ring he wears on his middle finger.

“Oooh and I’ve got this one.” Ally jumps in, handing over a ring to Sophia. We switch them over as I hand her Niko’s and she hands me Ally’s.

“Well, it fits with the theme of winging it,” I say, which draws a smile across her face.

“Okay. Do you Lorenzo shoot what’s your last name?” Curtis whispers, though we can all hear him.


“Do you, Lorenzo Moretti, take Sophia Philips to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward?”

“I do,” I say, pushing Ally’s ring onto Sophia’s wedding ring finger.

“Do you, Sophia Philips, take Lorenzo Moretti to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward?”

“I do,” she says, and her shaky hand pushes Niko’s ring onto my finger.

“By the power vested in me, I proudly pronounce you husband and wife. Lorenzo, you may kiss your bride,” Curtis says, and I glance at him before turning back to Sophia.

“Hi wife,” I whisper, which makes her smile grow before she replies,

“Hi husband,” she whispers back, which makes my own smile grow. My hand caresses her cheek. My thumb strokes her cheekbone before I wrap my other arm around her waist and pull her in close. I tighten the grip around her and angle my face as I close the distance. Her soft as silk lips meet mine as my heart jumps about to leap out of my chest. I tease her as I run the tip of my tongue along the seam of her lips before I pull back. Sophia has other plans though. Her hands grab my face and pull my lips back to her forcing a chuckle to erupt out of me as her mouth opens and she takes the kiss she wants. I lift her off her feet, holding her to me as we share our first proper kiss, and I can’t believe it’s as husband and wife. We explore each other and I thread my fingers through her hair, keeping her mouth pressed to mine. When she moans into my mouth, I hear Niko’s voice.

“Okay guys, you might want to get a room.”

I pull away from my wife.

Her eyes twinkle at me as she shrugs her shoulders before she says, “What can I say? My husband’s a good kisser,” which causes me to press another soft kiss to her lips.

“Well, it’s a good thing we are married. You can kiss me whenever you want,” I tell her, as I watch the pink colouring spread down her neck to her throat.

“Congrats Renz,” Niko says, as he pats me on the back. I place Sophia on her feet and release her. She hugs Ally and I hug Niko and then we switch. Then we both pull Curtis in for a hug as he blows his nose again then wipes his tears. He really does love love. He then directs us to the table where we sign the marriage certificate.

“Let’s get some group photos,” Vaughn suggests, and we pose around the canopy. Some paired up and others as a group. Curtis has a couple of bottles of wine he pulls out, saying how he wishes it was champagne, but wine will have to do.

We each take a glass before Niko makes a toast.

“Here’s to these two crazy cats. Seeing you two together I’m sure this is the start of something amazing. I wish you a lifetime of love, trust and happiness. Here’s to the happy couple.”

“Hear hear,” Curtis and Vaughn chant, before we all clink glasses and take a sip. I link my fingers with Sophia’s wanting to keep her close.

“So, what’s the plan for the rest of the day?” Niko asks.

I glance to Sophia and tilt my head before asking, “Home?” I watch as her eyes light up as her smile grows.

“Sounds perfect,” she tells me.

“Niko, can you give me a ride back and we can let these love birds go,” Ally asks.

“Yeah sure.”

“I’ll grab my things later Soph. I’m so happy for you,” Ally tells her, as she wraps her in her arms before saying goodbye.
